Board of Health Meeting Minutes 6/17/2020

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Date:  June 17, 2020

Present:  John Makuc, Julio Rodriguez and Roy Carwile  

Also Present: Jim Wilusz, John Szablowski

The meeting began at 4pm

  1. The Board approved the town meeting plan presented by Melissa Noe.
  2. The Board discussed the ongoing Coronavirus situation:
    1. Mask requirements were discussed.  All of the guidance documents state that a mask must be worn if 6 foot social distancing cannot be maintained or if you have a medical condition preventing someone from wearing one.  Roy was concerned and suggested that the Board of Health should make it an enforceable requirement.
    2. Berkshire Health Systems is offering antibody testing at whatever the cost to them is.
    3. Jim is working with the library and community center to reopen.
    4. No guidance on Phase III has been received yet from the Governor’s Office.
  3. Jim is working with Kutshers Sports Academy on their plans to offer day camps which is currently allowed.
  4. Fish kill situation on Lake Garfield: Jim did connect with the Fisheries and Wildlife, they reported that there have been a lot of calls but unless the numbers are in the 100’s this is normal with the normal turnover of the lake.
  5. John Szablowki reported that Hume is planning to reopen July 6th if they have enough campers to make it financially feasible.  They will keep the Board up to date.
  6. John Makuc reported that the fire company is considering still hosting the steak roast but as take out only.  Jim was supportive of the fire company’s proposal.
  7. The next meeting is scheduled for July 6th.

The meeting adjourned at 4:36pm

Submitted by,

Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant