Board of Health Meeting Minutes 8/14/23

Meeting date: 
Monday, August 14, 2023

Minutes of the Board of Health Meeting 8/14/23 

Meeting Date:  Monday, August 14, 2023 

Board of Health Members Present: John Makuc, Tom Mensi, Mort Salomon

Also Present: James Wilusz

Call to Order 2:00pm


  1. Approve minutes
  2. Town Beach

James said that next year someone from Parks and Recreation obtains the Board of Health beach permit.James said that at the end of beach season they have to send in the forms and a part of those forms requires the beach permit to be sent in.Tom reported that Housatonic Basin submits the paperwork.James said that the Board of Health has jurisdiction over the regulations, and the towns contract out for the services.James said that this information needs to be posted at the beach.James said that the state form needs to be posted at the beach and then also needs to be submitted to the state.Tom discussed the exceedance of E.coli at the town beach and how the information wound up being shared by the Berkshire Eagle.James said that he did not report the E.coli outbreak to the Berkshire Eagle.James said that the protocol should be to notify him as the agent, who will then notify the Board of Health and Parks and Recreation regarding beach closures.James discussed the procedures for collecting colony counts and reasons that the colony counts may be elevated.

Tom asked what James would recommend regarding how to inform the townspeople of an exceedance in E.coli levels.James said that they could post it, inform the Town Administrator and Board of Health.James sent the Town Administrator the regulations and explained their process and procedures and reported that this is only for designated public beaches.Tom inquired about the protocol when registering with Housatonic Basin.James said to put down the Parks and Recreation contact along with James’s information.James said that Parks and Recreation will likely be the recipient of the permit.

  1. Southern Berkshire Public Health Collaborative updates

James reported that they met last week.  The nursing program is continuing, there will be an update regarding when the flu clinic will occur, and they will be offering vaccines.  James said that they are still waiting on the current covid boosters, and some will be offered at no cost, but next year there will be a fee.  James said that they should be able to order a certain amount of covid vaccines and use them up prior to placing a second order.  James said that as part of the collaborative they will be receiving funds to help pay for a full-time shared health agent.  In the fall they may want to consider having a vote for the health agent to act as James’s back up.  James reported that some of the other towns do not have a health agent or require some services, and therefore, a shared agent would be beneficial. 

Mark inquired about animal control certification, and James reported that there must be a certified animal control officer available.  James said that towns need to fund this position due to it being a public health concern if animals are running around or sick and unattended. 

  1. Unanticipated business

James reported that there was a watercraft incident where kids were riding at a high speed and were thrown off.James discussed several incidents at the camp where he should have been contacted and only found out about the incident because the Fire Chief notified him.James said that if dispatch is called to the camp, then he needs to be notified and he has been working on improving the communication.James said that the camp had to be shut down due to a lack of permits and work that had been completed that was not up to code.James reported that the camp was unable to reopen until the Fire Chief and Building Inspector approved the work completed.

Tom asked if they should get the beach agreement.James said that he will take care of the permit and send it over to Tom.

The Board of Health meeting adjourned at 2:56 pm.

Submitted by Laurie McArthur