Parks Commission Meeting Minutes 12/15/22

Meeting date: 
Thursday, December 15, 2022

Parks Commission Minutes 12/15/22

Attending the meeting at Town Hall: Tom Mensi, Gerry Clarin, Steve Snyder, Tracey Brennan (From the public: Justin Makuc)

In n ongoing search for  bids for ballfield repairs, Gerry reported that Melissa suggested Mike Volk who is currently doing work for the town. Gerry got no response when he asked him to look at the job.

The commission looked over the budget for the remainder of the fiscal year 2023.  We are potentially facing a deficit of about $2000 and must be aware of possible overages, such as the lumber for the ice rink which was $200.

In preparation for the 2014 budget planning session (12/29) with Melissa and the finance committee we discussed a list of possible expenses we would like to include. In the past the Parks Commission has usually based the budget on that of the previous year. We would like to be proactive about our expenses this time.The list is as follows:

1 more kayak rack @$957

Beach attendant @ $20 hr, 3 days per week, 6 hrs per day, 15 weeks ($5400)

Bidell Park picnic tables with handicap use extensions ($2700 for 2)

Brewer Pond Trail improvement $7500 (Steve will follow up with Greenagers about a price)

Signage for Beach parking and rules $1575

Replacing beach railing which can provide extra assistance in entering the water $250

Bike “hospitality station,” ($2500 and perhaps this project could be shared by new owners of General Store)

Replacement of 2  lifeguard umbrellas $382

AED for the beach $1800

Repair of beach shed $2800

Replenish beach sand 20 tons $700

Recreational events for children throughout the year $1800

January 2024 Pond Hockey tournament $500

Resurface Greene Park infield $8,000-10,000

Outdoor ping pong table table $2500-5000

Funds that will cover unexpected expenses


Steve will speak with Mary Makuc about Winterfest and a skating party at the town rink. We could supply hot dogs, and Justin will connect us to the people in Sandisfield who have a hotdog stand.

We agreed that we would like to pay the $500 insurance rider for the Pond Hockey tournament this year but do not have the money in our budget as we are facing a deficit. We will let Melissa know this. Perhaps the selectboard can cover it.

Next Meeting: Thursday, January 19th.                                       Tracey Brennan