Parks Commission Meeting Minutes 4/13/23

Meeting date: 
Thursday, April 13, 2023

Meeting of the Parks Commission

Minutes of the meeting 4/13/23

Meeting Date: Thursday April 13, 2023

Meeting Opened at 7:09pm

Parks Commission members present: Steve Snyder (chair), Gerard Clarin, Tom Mensi, Tracey Brennan, Chris Andrews

Also Present: Laurie McArthur (SB secretary), Michele Miller, Susan Cooper, Frank Abbott,

Also present remotely:

Call to Order 7:09 pm



1. Playground plans update

Tom reported that they have had a few site visits and meetings with the three different firms that have put bids in.  The Parks Commission discussed their needs and fiscal responsibility, and came up with alternatives for all three companies.  Since then the Parks Commission has heard back from two of the companies.  Tom said that he and Gerry felt strongly as a result of the knowledge of the representative and the equipment they found one outfit they were interested in, and after having devised a new proposal found that the playground came in at a lower rate.  Since then Tom met with Jim Hunt, and they found out that the DPW can assist with the project which will help cut back on the demo costs.  Tom prepared information on what the proposal will look like along with the footprint and shared this with the Parks Commission.  Tom said that each piece of equipment has a particular square footage requirement for safety. The final total, minus the dumpster, comes to $88,956.  The proposed playground has climbing equipment and a slide.  The woman they have been speaking with is open to attending the next Select Board meeting to provide additional details about the project and playground equipment. 

Michele inquired about the reasoning for no public meeting prior to obtaining bids for the project, and recommended that there should be additional input.  Michele also expressed concerns about how the ARPA funds were utilized in regards to the Capital Plan, and the costs associated with the Department of Public Works.  Tom responded by discussing how the ARPA application was completed to include the use of those funds.  Tom discussed the importance of attractiveness of the playground and how the design was created based on those responses.  Gerry discussed how the current playground is utilized by families on Sundays’.  Steve asked Michele how her concerns could be addressed.  Michele asked if one item was removed from the playground, would the Parks Commission be able to use the remaining funds to add in the baseball field.  Susan suggested costing out the pieces and asking individuals what they think about each individual element.  Chris said that this is in line with what many place are utilizing at this point with limited maintenance.  Tracey discussed how it is important to see what equipment the children are using and look at the deterioration of the playground over time.  Steve said that he would be in favor of presenting the playground to the town.  Gerry said the Parks Commission would be willing to hold a meeting where individuals can come in and ask questions and provide feedback. 

Gerry described the maintenance to be tightening bolts and power washing the equipment.  Tom explained how the maintenance fees were included in the price.  Tom asked if they should list the price when explaining the project, and the Parks Commission agreed, contingent upon informing individuals that this was being built using ARPA funds.  Tracey suggested informing individuals at the Town Meeting of when the open meeting will occur. 

2. Baseball field update

Gerry said they received their permit from the Conservation Commission.  Gerry asked if Mark had all of the information he needed to write the spec, and he said he did.  Gerry explained that they were digging up the soil and since it was close to the river, the Conservation Commission needed to approve the project.  Gerry said that he was hopeful to get the spec out this week so the Parks Commission could receive some additional bids on the ball field project.  Tom and Gerry met with the Engineer, who said he had everything he needed from the Conservation Commission and would be able to write the spec. 

3. Greengage/Bidwell Pond trail update

Steve reported that this went well, and the meeting was approximately three hours.  Steve said that Ellia reported on the project and discussed the funding through the Con Comm money.  Steve said that barring any changes or stops to the projects they were in acceptance of the $13,800 for the project.  Steve said that it seems to be moving forward and is currently in the preliminary stage and reported that the Greenagers’ just needed to know if they were moving forward, which they are.  Steve said that the money from a previous Con Comm fine was able to be applied to the Greenagers’ project.  Steve said that he believed that the Parks Commission would be able to tend to future maintenance or cleanup on the trail. 

4. Summer youth/family activity update

Tom requested feedback from the Parks Commission regarding dates and activities.  Chris recommended a bouncy house for the little kids, and Gerry suggested a movie.  Tom recommended the Parks Commission members do some research to come up with ideas for activities that could be enjoyed outside. 

5. Kayak rack allocation update

Tracey said they are still accepting applications for the kayak rack allocation.  Tom reminded everyone about adding information and links to the Town Website for new information and additions to programming, such as pickle ball. 

6. Beach sign update

Tom met with Jim Hull, who has multiple galvanized steel posts that say “no parking” or other information for the beach signs; therefore, the Parks Commission could have their signs made up.  Tom is going to move forward with having the signs made up.   Tom said that five signs should cover the area and suggested the beach attendant be a part of the Town Warrant.  Tracey discussed concerns with parking in other sections, such as where the kayak racks are located.  The Parks Commission discussed concerns with patrons parking along the roadside, and said that the Police will be in charge of managing this. 

Unanticipated Business

O’Brien properties called to ask about spring cleanup.  Tom inquired about combining the first mowing with spring clean-up since there did not seem to be a lot of branches down.  Tom asked the Parks Commission if this would be an appropriate idea, and they were in agreement. 

Steve said they have up until 4/20/23 to submit an article to the Monterey News for the new playground.  The Parks Commission discussed sharing information on the proposed playground in this article.  Tom will write the article.  Gerry asked about posting an image of the playground at the Town Hall, and Chris suggested posting an image in the Monterey News.  The Parks Commission discussed making an announcement at the Town Meeting for a future meeting inviting individuals to the Proposed Playground Meeting.  The next Parks Meeting will be May 18th at 7pm.  The Parks Commission unanimously agreed that this was the playground proposal they wanted to move forward with. 

Steve made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:48pm.  Chris seconded.  Call a vote:  Chris- yes, Steve- yes, Tracey-yes, Gerry-yes, Tom-yes.  Meeting adjourned at 8:48pm.