Parks Commission Meeting Minutes 5/18/23

Meeting date: 
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Minutes of the meeting of 5/18/2023
Meeting date: Thursday, May 18, 2023
Meeting Opened at: 7:03pm
Parks Commission Members Present: Gerard Clarin, Thomas Mensi, Christopher Andrews, Tracey Brennan
Parks Commission Members Absent: Steve Snyder
Also Present: Laurie McArthur (SB secretary), Justin Makuc
Call to Order 7:03pm
Agenda items to be discussed: 
1. Ball park upgrade
Gerry reported that they received a 20 page bid to send out for the ball park.  This document will be sent out so it can be bid upon.  If someone bids over $10,000, then the Parks Commission will investigate possible alternatives to assist with excavation.  Gerry has three companies lined up to send it out to thus far and is going to look into a fourth.  Gerry said in his conversation with Melissa the Parks Commission can only place an ad in the Monterey News about the ball field if the original bids are over $15,000.  Lee Tryon, Tom Ingasol, Dave Ducette, are the three companies that bids will be sent to.  The Parks Commission will wait to hear back from the companies.  
2. Kayak Rack Update
Tracey provided an update and reported that all the spots have been taken for the Kayak Rack.  
3. Playground Rebuild
Tom reported that it was unanimous approval from the Select Board to move forward with the playground project.  Tom spoke with Cindy today who informed him that the Equipment will be ready by October, which means that the old equipment will need to be removed prior to then.  Justin confirmed that Cindy only needed the signed quote.  Tom reported that this was accurate and an invoice will come in for the project.  Gerry updated the Parks Commission about the possibility of donating the playground equipment and reported that Melissa will consult counsel to determine if it is legal to give the equipment away.  Justin reported that the metal can be recycled; however, the wood will need to be thrown out if the equipment is unable to be donated.  Chris inquired if they will have to complete an RDA with the Conservation Commission, and Tom reported that he will take care of that.  
5. Town beach upgrades, sand, handrail, portable toilet, new ladders for swim platforms
Tom reported that 20 tons of sand have been delivered and spread.  He will have the portable toilets placed at the end of June, and Mark will put the new ladders on the swim rafts.  Tom reported that some vessels are sometimes tied to the rafts, and Gerry suggested placing a sign that informs individuals that they are unable to tie the vessels or kayaks to the floating rafts.  Justin suggested saying “no loading vessels or inflatables from the raft” on the signs.  Tom suggested adding this to the primary sign that discloses the rules of the beach rather than adding a separate sign elsewhere.  The Parks Commission agreed to this.  Tracey suggested having the portable toilets delivered for Memorial Day weekend instead of waiting until the end of June.  Tom also reported that the handrail is deteriorating at the beach and suggested replacing it.  Justin suggested talking with Scott Jensen or Steve Moore regarding repairs.  
5. Job Description for beach monitor
Tom said that he has an appointment with HR next week to discuss the Beach Monitor Job Description.  The Parks Commission discussed what the description should be. Chris said that the main function will be to monitor parking.  Tom inquired about raking.  Chris said it would be easier if the individual is able to catch more individuals as they are coming in to ensure they are not parking in resident spaces.  Chris suggested having the beach monitor primarily focus on monitoring parking to ensure residents are able to park at the beach, and then add secondary duties to the description.  The Parks Commission outlined the secondary duties to include beach raking, beach cleanup, and assist with parking.
Gerry inquired about decreasing the speed at the beach while it is open to help promote safety.  Gerry will follow up with Brian about this.  Tom said that in his discussion with Melissa if the individuals do not have the landfill stickers then they could come to the Town Hall to receive a temporary sticker.  Tom reported that Melissa said a temporary landfill pass will be easier to monitor and administer, and would include a $20 charge.  Tracey suggested looking into a more cost-effective way, such as giving individuals a temporary pass for their tenant that would be free of charge. Tom said he would like to have the dates printed on the pass.  The Parks Commission agreed to look into temporary beach passes with the dates printed on them.  
6. Summer children’s event
The Parks Commission discussed various ideas for the event.  Chris suggested looking at rental companies for possible inflatables or snow cone machines and suggested having a splash competition for the older kids or having a ducky race.  Chris recommended the event be of no cost to individuals.  Tom said that they have the same amount of funding as they had for the movie, they provided last year.  Tom suggested a sand castle contest.  Gerry suggested having some boat races for the kids to participate in.  The Parks Commission agreed to hold the summer children’s event on August 5th, with a rain date of August 6th.  Chris will look into some of the rental companies for an inflatable for the event.    
7. Bidwell Park needs
Tom reported that there is still some unsettled soil at Bidwell Park, and the pollinators have flags where they are planning to place various plants and trees.  Tom said that he thinks this project may require some oversight.  Gerry will look into talking with individuals about the project and restrictions for where the planting could be done.  The Parks Commission discussed how it was believed that this was originally only for erosion control.  Gerry will write to the company and let them know that the Parks Commission would like to have a walk through to discuss the project and ensure that the park will still be accessible to individuals who would like to utilize the trails.  
8. Trail around Brewer Pond
Steve is working on this.  Tom said that during the last meeting Steve reported that the Conservation Commission may have funds to help with this.  
9.  Unanticipated business
Tom reported that after the playground was presented the idea of an adult fitness exercise park was brought to his attention by several seniors.  Gerry said that the only property that would make this work would be near Beartown Mountain Park.  Gerry talked about various trails that have equipment where individuals could stop and work out while they are on their walk.  Tom suggested placing this on a future agenda.  
The next Parks meeting will be on June 15th at the Pavillion at 7pm.  
Tom made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:07pm.  Tracey seconded.  Call a vote:  Chris-yes, Tom-yes, Tracey-yes, Gerry-yes.