Parks Commission Meeting Minutes 8/24/22

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Minutes Parks Commission 8/24

Extra Meeting to discuss the BallPark and Budget Concerns

Present: Steve Snyder, Gerry Clarin, Tracey Brennan

From the Public: Ira Transport

5:30 Firehouse Pavillion


Tracey reported that we do not need further Selectboard approval for a phone conversation with the Town Counsel about the Town Beach.  Justin advised us to speak with Ms. Brewer as quorum and to post the meeting. We will find an appropriate  time.


We are in favor of the extensive improvements needed at the Ball Field. Gerry spoke with Tom Ingersoll who maintains and plays on the Great Barrington field. He thought the price we have from Mr. Duguette is fair but wonders if it includes narrowing the base pads, planting grass on either side of them, removing the poor material down 6 inches, and replacing the ground around home plate. These are good details for us to know as we go forward.

Steve will research with Selectboard and Melissa:

  1. Do we have the authority to hire someone for this job?
  2. Because the price is very large for our budget, can we get help funding it?
  3. Is it possible that  the Selectboard would allocate us funds? Can we ask for funding at the upcoming Special Town Meeting?


Gerry will get an estimate from Tom Ingersoll, and Steve will get a more itemized estimate from Dave Duguette. We are aware that we will have about $8000 of our lifeguard funds left over, due to a shortened season and are willing to use that toward the Ballfield, if it works with  the overall budget. We have many expenses and do not want to be caught short.


Tracey Brennan