Parks Commission Meeting Minutes 9/22/22

Meeting date: 
Thursday, September 22, 2022

Parks Commission Minutes 9/22/22


Town Hall

Commission members present at the meeting: Steve Snyder, Tom Mensi, Chris Andrews,        Tracey Brennan


Conference call with Donna Brewer, Town Counsel, re: Town Beach


Donna advised clarifying exactly what parking lot the state created for access to boating by searching old records and speaking to Parks Commission members from that time.

Aside from the use of the lot, we have broad latitude to enforce restrictions for use of the  town beach or to ask for release from the 1989 agreement  with Dept of Fish and Game in regard to parking.

Records we should research: Annual report for the town in that year, registry of Deeds, records of eminent domain. Chris will start the process by speaking with Melissa about town records.

Once understanding of parcels of land around the beach is clear, if necessary we can pursue amending the agreement.

Donna recommends that in the meantime we look at other towns’ parking policies. Enforcing restrictions will most likely entail a combination of stickers, signage, and parking tickets.


The town’s new administrative assistant will attend our next meeting and we will discuss various ways she can be of help to the Commission.


We discussed the upcoming Special Town Meeting and the impossibility of submitting a request for money for the ballfield due to the fact that we cannot get a definite bid from a contractor. We do not have a budget surplus that would cover this project.

Our current alternatives are to concentrate on the infield with help from Jim Hunt/Roger Tryon, to ask for a definite bid price and maintenance fees to be requested for our budget in March (including the maintenance fee in each year’s budget), and pursuing Justin’s suggestion that we apply for ARPA funds. Steve will follow up on the latter.


Jim Hunt has done work to solve the flooding problem at the ballfield shed.

Work proceeds on the monument at the Town Beach.

2 new ladders for the beach floats have been ordered.

Movie night was a success.

The lost defibrillator has been found at the firehouse. It is to be shared between the beach and fire company.

It has come to our attention that the Militia Grounds are under Parks jurisdiction! Gary O’Brien mows the area.


Next Meeting: October 20


T. Brennan