Planning Board Meeting Minutes 10-5-2023

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Meeting date: 
Thursday, October 5, 2023

Planning Board Meeting 

Minutes of the Planning Board Meeting

Minutes of the meeting 10/5/23

Meeting Date: Thursday October 5, 2023

Meeting Opened at 7:04 pm

Planning Board members present: Laura Mensi, Margy Abbott, Roger Tyron, Lauren Berhman, Chip Allen, Mort Salomon, Tom Sawyer

Planning Board members absent: None.  

Also Present: None

Also present remotely: Laurie McArthur (sb secretary)

Call to Order 7:04 pm


  1. Solar bylaw amendment

Tom reported that the article was not going to be able to be published in time to make the Town Meeting.  Tom read the requirements for submission and informed the Planning Board that the timeframe had been missed.  Tom said that Melissa was going to speak with Town Counsel to determine if they could submit immediately.  Tom will write an email to Rob to explain this.  Tom asked if they should submit the hearing request after the beginning of the year in the event another special Town Meeting is held, and the members of the Planning Board concurred.  

2. Master Plan Approval

Lauren made a motion to approve the Master Plan.  Laura seconded.  The Planning Board unanimously agreed to approve the Master Plan.

  1. Special permit application 56 Sylvan Rd

Tom reported that the owners would like to add a three-foot first floor extension.  Tom reported that the addition would not be outside of the setback.  Margy clarified that this was already a non-conforming house that had been built prior to the zoning regulations, and that the patio was non-conforming.  Chip clarified that this would not be increasing the level of non-conformity.  Tom reported that the proposed addition did not increase non-conformity and therefore, the Planning Board was recommending approval.   

  1. Special permit application 99 Hupi Road

The Planning Board discussed the how the existing single-family house was non-conforming to the 25ft. front setback.  The request was to re-conform a deck on the side of the house.  Tom reported that the individual applied for a building permit, but since the permit was rejected, the owners would have to go to the ZBA for a request.  Chip reported that the non-conforming deck was on the East side of the home.  The Planning Board reviewed the documentation for the property and the request for the proposed new deck.  Tom reported that they were adding to the property, but not in a non-conforming matter.  Tom said that the Planning Board would need to write a letter stating that the house is non-conforming, but the addition of the new deck would not further increase non-conformity.  Tom reported that the building inspector had to deny the permit due to the non-conformity status.  The Planning Board recommended approval.  


  1. Unanticipated Business

Tom said that for the last zoning change made for the camp they will have to re-post for two weeks and then the Town Clerk could send this to the state for approval.  

Margy said that next week was the OSRP meeting.  Margy said that she could provide a report on the LSRP meeting.  Tom recommended having a meeting next week and then look at the next steps for the Master Plan.  

The Planning Board discussed the dark sky bylaw.  Roger suggested that they discuss the issue and ask individuals to come in to talk about it.  Margy reported that she had received information on the dark sky bylaw for New Marlborough and Sandisfield in preparation for the upcoming meeting.  Tom suggested gathering additional information.  Mort said that information on cost would be beneficial to know.  Laura asked how they should proceed with the Select Board to ensure that there is follow through with the recommendations.  Tom said that he would like to work on some of the recommendations from the Master Plan.  

  1. Correspondence

Notice of Public Hearing for D&J Development for the amendment of a Special Permit.  

7 Approval of minutes

Margy made a motion to approve the minutes from 5/11/23, Chip seconded.  Call a vote:  Tom-yes, Laura-yes, Lauren-yes, Roger-yes, Chip-yes, Margy-yes, Mort-yes.  

Lauren motioned to approve the minutes from 5/25/23. Chip seconded.  Call a vote: Tom-yes, Laura-yes, Lauren-yes, Roger-yes, Chip-yes, Margy-yes, Mort-yes.  

Margy made a motion to approve the minutes from 6/8/23.  Mort seconded.  Call a vote:  Tom-yes, Laura-yes, Lauren-yes, Roger-yes, Chip-yes, Margy-yes, Mort-yes.  

Chip made a motion to approve the minutes from 6/22/23. Mort seconded.  Call a vote:  Tom-yes, Laura-yes, Lauren-yes, Roger-yes, Chip-yes, Margy-yes, Mort-yes.  

Margy made a motion to approve the minutes from 8/3/23.  Mort seconded.  Call a vote:  Tom-yes, Laura-yes, Lauren-yes, Roger-yes, Chip-yes, Margy-yes, Mort-yes.  

Lauren made a motion to approve the minutes from 8/10/23.  Margy seconded.  Call a vote:  Tom-yes, Laura-yes, Lauren-yes, Roger-yes, Chip-yes, Margy-yes, Mort-yes.  

Lauren made a motion to approve the minutes from 9/14/23.  Margy seconded.  Call a vote:  Tom-yes, Laura-yes, Lauren-yes, Roger-yes, Chip-yes, Margy-yes, Mort-yes.  

Margy made a motion to approve the minutes from 9/28/23.  Roger seconded.  Call a vote:  Tom-yes, Laura-yes, Lauren-yes, Roger-yes, Chip-yes, Margy-yes, Mort-yes.  

Lauren made a motion to adjourn the Planning Board meeting.  Margy seconded.  The Planning Board unanimously agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:07pm.