Select Board Amended Meeting Agenda 7/15/2020

Wednesday, July 15, 2020 - 9:00am

Meeting will be held at 9am

Join meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States:   (872) 240-3412  
Access Code: 388-678-829

(Please call 528.1443 x111 to be placed on the agenda)

9am: Administrative Items

  1. Fire Chief
    1. Steak roast special event permit
    2. Steak roast staging plan
    3. Probationary firefighter appointments
  2. Town beach parking
  3. COVID-19 updates/items
  4. Police Chief contract
  5. End of year transfers
  6. Select Board budget procedure: review draft and consider for adoption (Invite Fin Comm to review and meet on)
  7. Future of Select Board corner
  8. Select Board goals for the year
  9. Town Administrator
  10. Consideration of recall bylaw
  11. Open Meeting Law Complaint – R. Wolin
  12. Administrative Assistant items
    1. Direct deposit policy
    2. Guidance on public records requests submitted by John Weingold
  13. Approve minutes (6/24 & 7/1)
  14. New Marlboro Rd tree cutting
  15. Review mail and correspondence to be sent/signed
  16. Election
  17. School Building
  18. TA job description details (prior drafts & current drafts)
    1. Recruiting companies
  19. 5 year Capital Improvement Plan
  20. 5 Year Master Plan/Visioning
  21. IT Audit/review
  22. Town Website Issues
  23. Town Counsel Contract terms/legal opinions, & procedures
  24. Future Meeting with Michael Baldino, MBI, electronically
  25. Monthly Community Forums with newer homeowners/citizens electronically at first
  26. Vacation pay carryover
  27. Weekly SB Meetings between scheduled meetings at 6:30 pm for next 3 months
  28. New Business - reserved for topics that the chair did not reasonably anticipate would be discussed
  29. Opportunity for public questions and comments


***All agendas are subject to change***

The listings of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.

Items requiring extensive discussion or prior research should be placed on a future agenda so that the issue receives the appropriate attention.  Please leave the room if you need to converse with other members of the audience.  If you wish to speak during the meeting, please raise your hand in order to be recognized by the Chairman.  Please state your name for the record before you begin to speak on an issue.  Regulation of participation by public in open meetings:  No person shall address a public meeting of a governmental body without permission of the presiding officer at such meeting, and all persons shall, at the request of such presiding officer, be silent. If, after warning from the presiding officer, a person persists in disorderly behavior, said officer may order him/her to withdraw from the meeting, and, if he/she does not withdraw, may order an officer.

The Board of Selectmen shall post all meetings in compliance with Open Meeting Law and pursuant to the regulations of the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office 940 CMR 29.03(4). Please visit our website for all meeting information. All approved meeting minutes of the Board are posted on the town’s website under minutes and agendas.