Select Board Meeting Agenda 3/1/23

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 - 12:00pm

Meeting will be held in the Town Hall Meeting Room as well as remotely at 12:00pm

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Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:

You can also dial in using your phone: (571) 317-3122 Access Code:

Please use the “raise hand” button if you would like to speak
 (Please call 528.1443 x111 to be placed on the agenda)


Call to Order 12:00pm

12:00pm: Meet with UniBank representative, David Eisenthal, and Treasurer, Sara Hunter, to discuss loans

12:30pm: Meet with Human Resource Director, Sophia Bletsos, for monthly update

Old Business                                                       

  1. Draft unreasonable noise bylaw
  2. Discuss private ways that negatively affect public ways and possible recourse
  3. Draft warrant articles for short term rental tax

New Business

  1. FY24 budget review
    1. Holiday pay for part timers
  2. Town Administrator items:
    1. Transfer Station Attendant Appointment: Garrett Tripp
    2. FY24 health insurance renewal rate sheet acceptance
    3. 319 amendment request
  3. Updated police mutual aid agreement

Correspondence, minutes, public comment

  1. Review mail & correspondence
    1. 2/26/23 email from Peter Murkett re: Select Board membership on Solar Steering Committee
  2. Approve minutes of 2/21/23, 2/22/23
  3. Unanticipated business
  4. Comments & questions from the public

***If you wish to speak during the meeting, please raise your hand in order to be recognized by the Chairman.  Please state your name for the record before you begin to speak on an issue.  Regulation of participation by public in open meetings:  No person shall address a public meeting of a governmental body without permission of the presiding officer at such meeting, and all persons shall, at the request of such presiding officer, be silent. If, after warning from the presiding officer, a person persists in disorderly behavior, said officer may order him/her to withdraw from the meeting, and, if he/she does not withdraw, may order an officer.  The Open Meeting Law does not require that public bodies allow public comment or public participation during meetings.***


***All agendas are subject to change***

The listings of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.

Items requiring extensive discussion or prior research should be placed on a future agenda so that the issue receives the appropriate attention.  Please leave the room if you need to converse with other members of the audience. 

The Board of Selectmen shall post all meetings in compliance with Open Meeting Law and pursuant to the regulations of the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office 940 CMR 29.03(4). Please visit our website for all meeting information. All approved meeting minutes of the Board are posted on the town’s website under minutes and agendas.