Joint Finance Committee & Select Board Meeting Minutes 8/16/22

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Minutes of 8/16/22

Meeting Opened at: 4:31pm

Select Board Members Present: Justin Makuc, Chair and Susan Cooper

Finance Committee Members Present: Michele Miller and Frank Abbott

Also present: Ilene Marcus

Also present remotely: Mickey Jervas

  1. Special town meeting items:
    1. Storm damage from about one month ago has caused approximately $50k worth of clean up and maintenance.  All of the emergency work to open roadways and clean up downed trees on the community center property has been completed.  Bidwell Park is currently closed to the public and is going to require approximately $25,600 to clean up based on contract rates and estimates from John W. Field Tree Service. The Community Center property has been cleaned up of downed trees and limbs. However, the trunks of trees that the top snapped off on are still standing and should be removed. Furthermore, the Director of Operations and the Tree Warden are recommending the removal of 20+ tall white pines at the community center property along New Marlborough Road and Main Road. These trees are being considered for removal because their integrity is reduced by the recent falling neighboring trees and their age. In the last few years these trees continue to snap off and fall during major weather events. The estimate for all of the work at the Community Center property (clean up the snapped off trunks and remove the 20+ tall white pines along New Marlborough Road and Main Road) is approximately $25,600.
    2. The state has notified us of an elevator code upgrade that we need to comply with before our annual inspection in December.  The quote received to make the necessary repair came in at $8,500.
    3. The Cemetery Commission has over $5,500 in unpaid FY22 bills that were not submitted or encumbered by the deadline and must be paid for at a Town Meeting.
    4. Available funding sources would be stabilization which requires a 2/3 vote or raising and appropriating the monies providing the tax rate has not yet been set.  If the meeting is held after October it may be possible to use Free Cash if it has been certified.  Justin suggested using the stabilization fund, but agreeing to at least replace these funds at the annual town meeting. It was suggested it would be nice to have this sooner rather than later but there are concerns about voter fatigue with the special town election, primary election and November elections. Justin suggested a weekday evening or Saturday late morning/afternoon.  Susan would prefer a Saturday.  Melissa Noe will inquire of the Moderator and Town Clerk’s availability for two Saturdays and two Thursdays in September and October.
  2. Finance Committee vacancy: Susan suggested that the Finance Committee should meet with all of the interested parties first and make a recommendation to the Board as to who they would like to see appointed. Justin summarized that the Select Board asked for interested parties and gave a clear deadline resulting in four interested parties: Ilene Marcus, Roger Tryon, Kevin Moody and Don Coburn. Susan noted that Kevin Moody has also applied to serve on the Conservation Commission and feels that serving on both may be too much. The Finance Committee will invite the candidates to attend their next meeting.
  3. The Boards reviewed the draft annual operating budget process policy and suggested amendments.  A motion was made to approve the policy as amended.  The motion was seconded and approved unanimously by the Select Board. A motion was made to approve the policy as amended.  The motion was seconded and approved unanimously by the Finance Committee.
  4. The Boards reviewed the draft purchasing policy. A motion was made to approve the policy as amended.  The motion was seconded and approved unanimously by the Select Board. A motion was made to approve the policy as amended.  The motion was seconded and approved unanimously by the Finance Committee.
  5. Comments & questions from the public: none

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 5:49pm


Submitted by:

Melissa Noe, Town Administrator

Approved by:

Monterey Select Board


cc: Website (

Select Board Members

Minutes Book

Town Clerk


Any documents used in the meeting are listed below and are available by request at town hall.

  1. Draft purchasing policy
  2. Draft annual operating budget process policy