Select Board Executive Session Meeting Minutes 3/12/24

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Select Board executive session meeting minutes 3/12/24

Location: Town Hall

Select Board members present: Justin Makuc (Chair), Susan Cooper, Frank Abbott

A motion was made to enter Executive Session under purpose 2, to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for contract negotiations with nonunion personnel (the Town Administrator), and to approve 3/7/24 executive session minutes, and not to reconvene in open meeting after the conclusion of the executive session. The motion was seconded and voted on: Frank – yes, Susan – yes, Justin yes. Executive session entered at 7:39 pm.

The Select Board discussed a draft Town Administrator Contract that was drafted by Town Counsel based on input from the Board last week.

The Board discussed hours of work. It was agreed that this is an exempt position and not subject to overtime beyond 40 hours of work per week. Extra hours on nights and weekends may be required to fulfill the position, and overtime will not be paid. However, some adjustment to normal hours due to hours worked beyond the normal schedule will be allowed.

The Board had a lengthy discussion about vacation time. There was discussion about how many days to offer, as well as how to structure it. The Board agreed to offer 15 days of vacation time per fiscal year, accrued on a monthly basis, as well as a one-time addition of 5 days at the beginning of the contract. It was agreed to have vacation time accrue year-over-year.

The Board reviewed the provisions for sick and personal days. It was agreed to use essentially the same standards set out in the Employee Handbook, with sick days accruing at a rate of 15 per year, and 3 of those days being able to be used as personal days.

The Board discussed wanting to add a probationary period of six months. During the probationary period the benefits will not be any different, but separation of the agreement from either party will be easier. It was agreed to have a probationary period of six months added in.

Justin agreed to make the changes as discussed by the Board, vet the contract with Town Counsel, and then present the contract to Roger. Justin will negotiate any minor changes with Roger to come to an agreement before bringing the contract back to the Board. If Justin feels the negotiations warrant discussion by the whole Board he will place it on a future agenda. The contract will ultimately be approved the whole Board at an open meeting.

A motion was made to adjourn. The motion was seconded and voted on: Frank – yes, Susan – yes, Justin yes. Meeting adjourned at 8:38pm.

Documents used at the meeting:

  1. Draft TA Contract