Select Board Meeting Minutes 10/17/23

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Minutes of the Select Board meeting 10/17/23
Meeting Date: Tuesday October 17, 2023
Meeting Opened at 9:01am
Select Board members present: Justin Makuc, chair; Susan Cooper, Frank Abbott
Also Present: Melissa Noe
Also present remotely: Don Coburn
Call to Order 9:01am
1. Discuss Monterey school building
Justin reported the results of Master Plan survey question regarding the school house.  The survey results were close to evenly split between those who wanted to renovate or reuse the building, and those who wanted the Town to sell or demolish the building. Frank said it was suggested to him to tear down the building and make a playground.  The Select Board discussed the limitations for parking.  Justin said that he and Melissa spoke about obtaining some figures to determine the most feasible options for the building.  He said that the most financially viable option may be to move the building to a different location since it needs foundation work.  Justin said that it may be an option to relocate the school building on the Community Center property and renovate it for use.  Susan discussed the need account for the weight of documents, should the building be used for document storage.   Justin said that he thought the way to go would be to obtain figures for the various options and then Town put the options and their various costs to town meeting.  Justin offered to take on the task for the time being, and Susan suggested that at some point an ad hoc committee may be needed to help with this process.  Frank discussed the need for a septic, and the Select Board discussed whether another septic would be needed or if another bathroom could be added to the Community Center.  
2. Approve Manual for all Elected and Appointed Multi-Member Bodies
The Select Board reviewed the Manual for all Elected and Appointed Multi-Member Bodies along with the comments made by Donna.  The Select Board discussed the option for appointing non-residents into Town positions or elected positions.  
The Select Board discussed when individual committees have a vacancy and the procedure required by law for appointing a new member of a committee.  Melissa will follow up with Donna regarding this question and whether both the committee and Select Board would be required to vote for appointments.  Melissa will send the document back to Town Counsel for follow-up questions.  
3. Town Administrator evaluation form
Frank said that he and Melissa met, and he discussed previous experience with evaluation forms and reported that the current form is 11 pages of completing numbers.  Melissa clarified that the review this year will be based on the current job description, not the new job description which will become effective in March 2024.  Frank said it was challenging to avoid getting tied up in the numbers vs providing actual feedback.  Frank discussed his previous experience and how he completed evaluation forms at a previous position along with the weight of those categories.  Susan agreed that the current form appears to weight all performance categories equally, but doing otherwise would take thoughtful consideration.  Justin said that he preferred the form that the Select Board approved and used last year, and he felt that it did not need to be overhauled.  Susan said that they had developed the previous evaluation form based on the one used in Gt. Barrington and modified it to fit the Town’s need.  Justin discussed the importance of consistency over the years, and the Select Board discussed modifications to the rating system.  Justin asked Susan to modify last year’s evaluation form to eliminate averaging of the scores in categories for this year.  Susan said that she would like to speak with Frank about how to weigh specific categories for modifications to be made in future.  Frank will review the evaluation form from last year.  Justin suggested that Frank and Susan both make comments and edits to last year’s form, and the Select Board can review it at the next meeting.  
4. Human Resource Director draft job description and next steps
Justin said that he received a reference to an organization in Gt Barrington, which offers HR services.  Justin said that in regard to human resources they offer recruiting, employee training, handbook and policy writing, salary review, personal records management, and employee benefits.  Justin said it sounded like they do a lot of work with non-profits and was interested in seeing if they could obtain a proposal.  Justin reported that the individual requested a job description in order to put together a proposal.  Susan said that they would need a clear job description and the number of hours needed.  Melissa said that she has a list of around nine consultants that do have municipal experiences, and Frank reached out to the MMA to see if they have a list of possible consultants.  Melissa reported that they were going to finish the proposed job description today, and then they can call and inquire about hourly rates.  Melissa said that since many of the major tasks have been completed, going forward it will be more maintenance tasks.  Justin said that he felt it would be necessary to have an HR director.  Melissa will solicit proposals from HR consultants based on the draft job description.  
Frank provided an overview of his conversation with Sophia regarding staying on as a consultant.  Frank said that per Sophia there would be transitional work in the new position, and she did not say yes or no at this time.  
5. Additional requirements from Natural Heritage and Endangered Species for Lake Garfield Notice of Intent
Susan spoke with Dennis Lynch.  Susan said that the harvesting for this year has already been completed, so this will be about next year.  Melissa said they would be meeting tonight, and Susan reported that the State needed more information about the native pondweed.  Susan said that she did not believe there was any action to take at this point.  Melissa reported that the extension permit was granted, and Melissa said that she thought they were ok for the draw down.  Melissa clarified that they were unable to start until November 1st.  Justin said that the draw down takes two months, which occurs between mid-October and mid-December.  There will be no action on this at this time.  
6. Treasurer contract
Justin said that she would like some additional time on the contract as he is just seeing it now for the first time and the day-to-day activities need to be clarified.  Melissa reported that the treasurer would like to negotiate a figure for the second year.  Justin said that he removed the section that stated an average of 7.5 hours per week, but it was requested to add this back in.  Justin discussed concerns with the duties not being able to be completed in that 7.5 hours per week.  He suggested adding in the day-to-day functions.  The Select Board will return to this next week.  
7. Board Members of the Tax Assessors - Liability Insurance
Frank said that he spoke with Melissa about this.  He said that Scott Steibel approached him and reported that the Board of Assessors do not have the same liability insurance as other departments.  Melissa said that this was not accurate.  She reported that anyone that performs the particular function is covered.  Frank said that under the charter they have a Massachusetts insurance.  Frank reported that the insurance company covers the fees for attorneys.  Frank confirmed that the Board of Assessors and the Treasurer rely on the state for assistance, so he felt they owe those departments an explanation regarding obtaining liability insurance.  Melissa said that she would like to give all of this information to Donna to see if there are any concerns.  Melissa said that the difference in the pricing of the policies was significant and reported that they would have to get rid of the current policy and obtain a new policy that would be more expensive.  Justin discussed potential problems or mistakes that could occur within the tax collector or assessor’s office and he thought that employees and officials serving in those roles should feel like they will not be held personally liable for errors as long as they are diligently doing their duties.  
8. Town Administrator Items:
Melissa reported that she did not have any other items.  
9. Unanticipated business
Justin reported that the moderator had some questions pertaining to the school merger vote.  Justin said he would like to forward those questions to Town Counsel.  
Justin said that he would like to ask Donna to review the ballot.  Susan said that it has to be a paper ballot and the yes/no answer must be circled at the bottom and then counted.  
Justin said that Melissa informed him about the Municipal Purpose Loan sheet and would have to wait on an answer from Sara.  He reported that the Municipal Purpose Loan still shows the unissued balance on the library loan, while other corrections have been made.  Justin said that the Select Board placed an Article on a Special Town Meeting Warrant last year specifically to rescind that amount, based on advice from the Treasurer and Town Counsel.  Justin asked if they can now remove this from the sheet.  
Frank had a meeting about the multiple factor authentication.  Frank will solicit new proposals from IT service providers to have good comparisons between companies.
10. Comments & questions from the public
There were no comments or questions from the public.  
11. Approve minutes of 8/28/23, 10/10/23
Justin proposed that they find the recording for the 8/28/23 minutes and place this on the youtube page for the minutes for the recording.  Melissa suggested saying the board attended the 8/28 meeting, which can be found here, but that the SB did not deliberate.  Justin said that they should include the questions asked by the Select Board.  Justin asked about the use of the Mt. Everett high school building after a potential merger.  Susan asked why the Southern Berkshire School assessments increased so much. Justin said they would need to add when the meeting started and ended.  
The Select Board will review the minutes from 10/10/23 during the next meeting.  
Susan made a motion to adjourn the Select Board meeting.  Frank seconded.  Call a vote:  Justin-yes, Susan-yes, Frank-yes.  Meeting adjourned at 10:51am.  
Documents used at the meeting:
1. Manual for all Elected and Appointed Multi-Member Bodies
2. Town Administrator Evaluation Form
3. Additional requirements from Natural Heritage and Endangered Species for Lake Garfield Notice of Intent
4. Draft Treasurer contract
5. Municipal Purpose Loan sheet