Select Board Meeting Minutes 10/20/21

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Minutes of the meeting of 10/20/21

Meeting Opened at: 6:01pm

Select Board Members Present: Steve Weisz, Chair, Justin Makuc

Select Board Members present remotely: John Weingold abruptly left the meeting at 6:28pm

Also present: Hillel Maximon, Maggie Barkin, Peter Murkett

Also present remotely: John Weingold, Mickey Jervas, Susan Cooper, Don Coburn, Heather Bellow, Steve Moore, Janet Maximon, Margaret Abbott, Martin & Jenna Johnson, Janet Jensen, Dennis Lynch, Nancy Tomasovich, Ellen Coburn, Lin Saberski, Kay Purcell

Items discussed:

  1. A motion was made to move old business item “Independent investigators recommended by Town Counsel, set up interviews” to the front of the agenda.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  Justin suggested interviews be held on a date separate from the usual Wednesday meeting.  Five investigators were recommended by counsel.  It was suggested to hold the interviews on 10/26 at 6pm.  Justin will schedule the interviews and notify the Board and Town Administrator for posting.
  2. A motion was made to move the “review and signing of the special town meeting warrant” to the top of the agenda.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  The board reviewed and discussed the warrant items.  Justin would like a placeholder article added for the HR investigation in the amount of $10k.  The audience requested a summary of the items on the warrant; Steven read them.  Discussion ensued about the citizen petition submitted and the number of signatures received and required. Justin requested to wait and sign on Saturday once all the signatures could be certified. A motion was made to accept the warrant and sign it as is and if there were any issues with the citizen petition then that would be dealt with at the special by the moderator.  The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 1 with John voting no.
  3. John Weingold abruptly left the meeting at 6:28pm.
  4. A motion was made to have Trick or Treat hours be from 5-7pm on Halloween. The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 0.
  5. A motion was made to appoint Don Barkin to a one year term on the Historic District Study Committee.  The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 0.
  6. A motion was made to appoint Judy Kaminstein until the next election as a Library Trustee to fill the vacancy from Shannon Amidon Castille’s resignation. The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 0.
  7. Review interested candidates for a charter committee: Parties that expressed interest are Mickey Jervas, Ronald Winters and Catherine Hurst. Residency requirements were discussed for appointed committees.  A motion was made to appoint Mickey Jervas, Ronald Winters and Catherine Hurst.  It was decided that Justin will reach out to the parties first to confirm they still want to be on it and then make the appointments at the next meeting. The Board requested that a notice be sent out for interested parties that would like to join the bylaw review committee which is appointed first and then it is an elected position. 
  8. Transfer station staffing: Melissa informed the Board that the transfer station attendants will be retiring at the end of January.  Discussion ensued about when to post the position(s) and whether or not operational changes might need to be made.  This will be discussed further at upcoming meetings.
  9. Director of Operations update: Melissa summarized the candidates that applied and let the Board know that Shawn is recommending that Jim Hunt, current highway member be promoted to the position. Shawn and Melissa will provide a proposal for the Board to consider before the next meeting to which Jim will also be invited. Hillel Maximon asked that it be on the record that after Shawn Tryon gave his resignation, the whole crew spent a week repairing Beartown Mtn, they showed their commitment to Monterey and should be recognized. 
  10. HR Update: Melissa informed the Board that she has a scheduled conference call with an HR firm tomorrow and a follow up meeting with the 4 other towns next week where the group will decide on the next steps.
  11. Posting meeting agendas on website/department head access to webpage: Justin is concerned that when the Town Administrator is out of office or in vacation, no agendas can be posted because there is no redundancy in that role.  Steve and Melissa both reminded Justin that the last time this item came up for discussion a survey of surrounding communities was done and with the exception of maybe 2 towns all towns have one designated person (typically the Town Administrator) post meeting agendas.  Justin suggested it might be worth considering creative solutions to the problem, including changing the posting location to the outside bulletin board instead of the website but it was pointed out to Justin that the Clerk’s availability (especially of late since she is ignoring her posted office hours) is even more limited and would present more of a challenge.  Melissa requested permission to poll the chairs in town to see how they feel with the current procedure and the Board agreed.
  12. A motion was made to accept a police donation received in the amount of $25. The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 0.
  13. ARPA funds: Melissa suggested that Monterey follow what Gt. Barrington is doing and get community input on how to spend the fund. The board made a motion to have Melissa draft a community survey to elicit suggestions from the community.  The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 0.
  14. Peter Murkett asked if the town has investigated or considered getting solar energy on municipal building to engage the town with renewable energy.  The grant to assist with the updating of the master plan could (and should) include and renewable energy options.  Peter would be interested in being a part of any renewal energy committee as long as the parameters for the committee were defined.  Peter was directed to speak to the Planning Board as a first step.
  15. Review mail and any correspondence to be sent/signed:
    1. A motion was made to send the request of Jon Sylbert and Rebecca Wolin dated March 26, 2021 and August 30, 2021 to current counsel for review.  The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 0.
    2. Laura Knoepler – COA Outreach Grant Project and Outreach Worker Position: Justin noted that the concern Laura had about the error in her name had been corrected.
    3. Michele Miller’s request for documents related to hiring of KP Law: Justin provided all of his emails he had.  Steve did not have any communications that you initiated.  Michele will be advised that if it hasn’t been fulfilled the proper venue to appeal.  Steve noted for the record that he made the same request and Mr. Weingold never provided the documents he requested (Justin did).
    4. Don Coburn’s email on audience participation/Board meeting rules: The Board agreed that they will not be creating any new rules at the time.
    5. Melissa acknowledged receipt of Open Meeting Law determination #2021-133 and said she is working on fulfilling the actions imposed.
    6. 10/2 Communications from Town Clerk regarding computer security: Justin stated that he was concerned about a possible security issue. Melissa noted that the Clerk met with IT and was instructed on how to change her password.
  16. ROA discussions:  Steve asked that all agenda items related to the RAO be removed, Justin agreed.
  17. A motion was made to approve the minutes of 10/13 as edited.  The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 0.
  18. New town poles for weather station equipment: Melissa reported that the highway department will be placing new town poles at Fox Hill/23 and “Cathcart corner”.  The poles are all half the height of normal poles.
  19. Town Administrator
    1. Request to change office hours: Justin requested that Melissa track the traffic for a few weeks and then have the board revisit this request.  Melissa agreed.
    2. Melisa reported that she is working with the EAP (Employee Assistance Program) to schedule a zoom all boards meeting which would focus on the current climate and how everyone can try to get along better and more productively.
  20. The Board agreed that all agenda items related to discipline and complaints will be handled by the upcoming investigation and should no longer appear on future agendas.
  21. Comments & questions from the public:
    1. Ellen Coburn expressed concern about the clerk certifying the signatures in time.  The Board agreed to let Ellen know when the Clerk has come in and the outcome.
    2. Steve Moore asked for a clarification on the signatures on the citizens petition included in the Special Town Meeting warrant. The Board reiterated that if the proper amount needed is not certified and legal the moderator would not discuss the item at town meeting.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 7:46pm


Submitted by:

Melissa Noe, Town Administrator

Approved by:

Monterey Select Board


cc: Website (

Select Board Members

Minutes Book

Town Clerk


Any documents used in the meeting are listed below and are available by request at town hall.

  1. Draft special town meeting warrant
  2. Email from Clerk on computer
  3. Email from Don Coburn with proposed select board meeting rules
  4. OML determination 2021-133
  5. Jon Sylbert email requesting legal opinion
  6. Laura Knoepler email