Select Board Meeting Minutes 11/16/22

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Minutes of the meeting of 11/16/22
Meeting date: Wednesday November 16, 2022
Meeting Opened at: 6:01 pm
Select Board Members Present: Justin Makuc, Chair, Susan Cooper, Scott Jensen                              
Also Present: Melissa Noe, Joanne DeRose, Adam Deon, Mark, Jenna Johnson, Karen Allen, Michael, Steve Hayward, Adam Chait, Martin Mraz
Also present remotely: Ed Paluch, Laurie Shaw, Mary Makuc, Marshall Messer, Ellen Coburn, Peter, Paula
Call to Order 6:01 pm
6:00pm: National Grid Pole Hearing: Cronk Road
Adam Deon, contract designer for National Grid, presented the design work for the pole extension line.  He presented images of the pole sketches, the areas where poles will be placed, and a plan outlining the work.  The plan is to bring poles and lines down Cronk Rd. to Sandisfield Rd. to provide power to a customer on Sandisfield Rd.  He explained the plans and images and said National Grid is only doing 6ft. leads on the anchor on town right-of-ways to refrain from going onto private property.  Some trees may need to be trimmed or removed; however, they are trying to minimize the number of removals.  Adam said that the power lines will be insulated in hopes of reducing the number of outages.  
Karen Allen, abutter, discussed concerns about property lines and the right of way in regard to installing poles for power lines on Cronk Rd.  Karen discussed her recollection of the outcomes of previous feasibility studies along with concerns for installing poles on Cronk Rd.  The Board inquired about the viability of the plan and discussed alternative possibilities for building power lines that can reach the house which is currently lacking power.  Adam Deon said that the Fire Chief did review the plan with representatives of National Grid, and it was decided to place the poles far enough from the road so the plows and emergency vehicles could get through.  Martin Mraz and Jenna Johnson shared their views, research they have conducted, and approaches they have taken regarding how placing poles would be beneficial so they can receive power to their home after many years of having resided there. 
Justin moved that the Select Board approve the pole petition as designed in the plan presented by National Grid.  Susan seconded. 
Martin shared his experience with approaching National Grid to apply to have poles installed so that he could have power brought to his property. Martin discussed his recollection of the previous Select Board meetings from more than five years ago regarding installing poles for power, however, due to the continued extension of the meetings he and Jenna withdrew their request and decided to go off grid at the time.  
Justin called a vote on the motion to approve the pole petition as designed in the plan presented by National Grid: Susan- yes, Scott- no, Justin- yes. The motion carries, pole petition is approved.  
Joanne said that this project will now move to scheduling after payment is received from the Mraz’s.  
Old Business
1. Approve minutes of 10/18/22 joint, 10/19/22, 10/19/22 executive session, 10/26/22, 10/27/22
The Select Board reviewed the minutes from 10/18/22, which was a joint meeting with the Finance Committee.  Justin moved to approve the minutes of 10/18/22 as amended, and called a vote: Susan- yes, Justin- yes, Scott- abstaining- minutes approved. 
10/19/22- Meeting minutes and executive session minutes combined. The Board discussed keeping open meeting and executive minutes for this particular meeting together when posted to the website.  Justin moved to approve the minutes of 10/19/22 open meeting and executive session minutes as amended.  Susan votes yes, Justin votes yes- minutes approved.  
10/26/22- Motion to approve minutes of 10/26/22 as amended, Susan seconded. Susan- yes, Scott- yes, Justin- yes- minutes approved.
Susan is going to amend 10/27/22.
The minutes from 11/2/22 and 11/9/22 will be reviewed next meeting.  
New Business
1. Town Administrator items:
a. Police officer hiring recommendations
Table until next meeting. 
b. 1Berkshire Regional Economic Development Organization Grant request for letter of support
Justin asked if anyone had questions and moved for the board to approve the 1Berkshire Regional Economic Development Organization Grant request for letter of support. Justin called a vote: Susan- yes, Scott- yes, Justin- yes- unanimous approval.  
c. Office assistant resignation
The office assistant’s last day will be Tuesday.  Melissa will post a job description on the website and an ad in the paper.  This is a 9-10 hour a week position.  The current office assistant is working 10-2 on Tuesday and Thursday, with a pay rate of $18.00 per hour.  Justin asked if there is flexibility to increase hours, and Melissa said any regular increase in hours would need to continue past July into the next fiscal year.  
d. Community Center temporary lighting adjustment
Justin asked about Community Center lighting.  Lighting was originally put in; however, some complaints were made by the neighbors, so some dimmers and shades were installed, which appeared to help with the light pollution but hindered the lighting in the driveway at the community center.  The Board.  The Select Board discussed ideas to fix the lighting in that remaining dark spot.  Community members shared concerns about the lighting.   It was agreed that a temporary fix would be helpful until National Grid was able to create a permanent solution.  Melissa shared the plan that she and Jim are working on with National Grid and said that they are working on the easement.  A discussion ensued regarding current budgeting for temporary lighting, and Jim shared the process that will take place once the easement is complete.  
e. Community Center main point of contact
The Town is looking for one point of contact for Community Center property maintenance. Justin asked Laurie Shaw if the Community Center Committee could discuss this and determine who this will be.  Laurie offered to take on that role for now, and agreed to discuss it with the committee when they meet in December.    
f. Election worker appointments
Melissa said that there were six election workers that were not appointed but are getting paid for working the November election.  Mass general law has guidance on appointment requirements for election workers.  For some positions individuals are required to be appointed for a certain amount of time; however, for other appointments there is the option for an indefinite appointment.  If an individual does not resign from an indefinite appointment, then they would have to hold a hearing to remove them from the position.  The pros and cons of indefinite appointment were discussed.  Going forward, Melissa suggested they should have a clear policy about election worker appointment.  Susan recommended that consideration be taken if an individual is unable to be present on Election Day and a back-up was needed. Justin will reach out to the Town Clerk for clarification on the matter.
2. Discuss payment toward 9/1/22 Jeremia Pollard bill for Hume case appeal
Town Counsel, Donna, requested an update from the Select Board regarding payment.  The Board already paid Jeremia approximately $500 last Fiscal Year, and agreed to pay him approximately $3,500 more during a previous meeting toward the previous work completed.  The Board had also agreed to pay up to $2,700 for the current opposition brief, and the Town will pay the $2,295 billed for the opposition brief.  The Board discussed the situation along with the pros and cons of paying the entire invoice amount since the amount was significantly different than the original estimate, and the Town was not notified prior to the significant overage.
Justin moved to leave the outstanding balance on the September bill ($5,259.31) and contest the bill on the basis that it was more than double the original estimate with no prior communication.  Scott seconded the motion. Justin called a vote on the motion: Scott- yes, Susan- yes, Justin- yes- unanimous approval.  
Correspondence, minutes, public comment
1. Review mail & correspondence
No mail or correspondence.  
2. Approve minutes of 11/2/22, 11/9/22
Review during next meeting.  
3. Unanticipated business
Melissa is requesting to contact Town Counsel regarding the RFP for the playground.  Justin moved to approve request- Susan second. Scott- yes, Susan- yes, Justin- yes- unanimous approval.  
a) Melissa requested the Board sign off on a $21,945 Chapter 90 reimbursement request for the CAT loader. Justin moved to approve the $21,945 Chapter 90 reimbursement request for the CAT loader.  Scott seconded. Scott- yes, Susan- yes, Justin- yes- unanimous approval. 
4. Comments & questions from the public
Ellen Coburn presented a paper copy of her complaint against a town employee to the members of the Select Board.  Ellen shared her concerns with the Select Board.  Justin said that they were aware of the situation should any Board member wish to take up this item at a future meeting.  
Motion to adjourn. Scott seconded. Susan- yes, Scott- yes, Justin- yes.
Meeting adjourned at 8:04pm
Documents used at the meeting:
1. Pole hearing plans
2. 1Berkshire Regional Economic Development Organization Grant letter of support
3. Requesting to contact Town Counsel for the RFP for the playground
4. Chapter 90 reimbursement for the CAT loader