Select Board Meeting Minutes 11/2/22

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Meeting date: 
Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Minutes of the meeting of 11/2/22

Meeting date: Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Meeting Opened at: 6:00pm

Select Board Members Present: Justin Makuc, Chair, Susan Cooper, Scott Jensen                             

Also Present: Melissa Noe, Laurie McArthur, Laurie Shaw, Tom Mensi, Gerry Clarin, Tracey Brennan, Peter Murkett, Michele Miller

Also Present remotely: Stephen Moore, Wendy Germain, Dennis Lynch

Call to Order 6:00pm

Justin addressed an ongoing concern of the length of the meetings.  He is going to make an effort as the chair to move the meeting along more efficiently. He also reminded the Board that all members can help the pace of the meeting by focusing on making motions and calling the question if necessary.

Old Business

  1. Review American Rescue Plan Act proposals (remaining funds $203,211)

There are $203,211 left in ARPA funds.  Susan asked when the money was required to be spent, and Justin said that they have until December 31, 2024 to allocate the funds.  The ARPA funds initially started with $276,390, but funds were allocated toward an emergency rescue vehicle for the Fire Department ($55,000) and gifted towards Southern Berkshire Ambulance to help with the purchase of their new ambulance ($17,979). 

Justin filed a Disclosure of Appearance of a Conflict of Interest to acknowledge that his mother works as the Community Center coordinator, however, based on the facts disclosed he feels he can fulfill his job impartially in this case.

The Board discussed the two request for $57,000 for a new police cruiser and $90,000 for a new tractor and roadside mower. Scott said that these two items belong on the capital plan.  Susan made a motion to remove the tractor and police cruiser from ARPA considerations and take up those requests as part of the capital plan and budget process. A vote was taken on the motion: Susan- yes, Scott- yes, Justin- yes — motion carries. 

Melissa said that if ARPA funds could be dedicated to a feasibility study, consultants could come in and determine the needs of the town hall.  Laurie Shaw said she thought that the ARPA funds were to help with the aftermath of Covid.  She claimed that the request she made for the community center is directly related to the pandemic, because people need to exercise, and be outside and socialize.  Members of the town agreed that Covid brought new situations in which the town needs to find safe ways to socialize and gather during all seasons. 

Justin made a motion that the Board allocate the funds as follows: fully fund three proposals ($4,000 for a site analysis and consultation regarding workforce, senior or moderately priced housing; $15,000 for a consultation about bringing solar power to Monterey; $10,500 for the Historical Society to hire a consultant with regard to making the village a Historic District); partially fund two proposals ($98,271.23 for renovating the playground at Greene Park; $85,000 for the construction of a pavilion at the Community Center). The two partially funded proposals would be guaranteed all but $9,560.23 of the requested funds (guaranteeing $88,711 for the playground and $75,439.77 for the playground). As both projects progress and move along in the procurement process, the Board will allocate the remaining $9,560.23 to one of the two projects or split the remaining funds between the two as it deems appropriate.

There was discussion about the Community Center pavilion project. Rebecca Wolin said they are overusing the Community Center at the moment and there is a need for additional space. 

There was discussion about the playground project. Susan said the proposed playground did not feel inviting to her or visually appealing to children. Tom Mensi, of the Parks Commission, said the current playground is not handicap accessible; however, the proposed playground has a ramp, a handicap accessible swing, and sensory oriented items for handicapped individuals.

There was discussion about the funds for solar energy consultation. Peter Murkett said that the application is for $15,000 and was wondering if they could do their application as an RFP to elicit proposals. There was discussion of the procurement process.

There was a motion to call the question to end debate and take a vote on the motion on the floor. A vote was taken on the motion to call the questions: Susan- yes, Scott- no, Justin- yes. The Board was curious what Scott still wanted to discuss. Scott questioned the proposal for “creating an application to help make the village a historic district” and requested additional information. 

There was discussion about the proposal regarding helping make the village a historic district. Barbara Swann said the reason for the request has to do with municipal buildings.  We have a very old school house built between 1845-1847. The historic district would make government funding available for projects like rehabbing the School House. The national register historic district also offers tax benefits for any income producing property in a district.  The national register historic district being proposed does not put extra permitting or requirements on construction projects in the area, but it does open up funding if homeowners want to take advantage of these funds. If homeowners seek funds for their project, they will, only at that point, be subject to extra regulations. The amount of $10,500 was chosen for this ARPA proposal because other towns have raised roughly this amount to get consultation to be able to make an application for a national register historical district. 

A vote was called on the motion that the Board allocate the funds as follows: fully fund three proposals ($4,000 for a site analysis and consultation regarding workforce, senior or moderately priced housing; $15,000 for a consultation about bringing solar power to Monterey; $10,500 for the Historical Society to help the application to make the village a Historic District); partially fund two proposals ($98,271.23 for renovating the playground at Greene Park; $85,000 for the construction of a pavilion at the Community Center). The two partially funded proposals would be guaranteed all but $9,560.23 of the requested funds (guaranteeing $88,711 for the playground and $75,439.77 for the playground). As both projects progress and move along in the procurement process, the Board will allocate the remaining $9,560.23 to one of the two projects or split the remaining funds between the two as it deems appropriate. Vote: Susan- yes, Scott-yes, Justin-yes – motions carries.

  1. Draft policy: anti-discrimination and harassment

The Board reviewed the edits and comments made by Town Counsel in response to the draft agreed upon last week. The Board agreed with all of Town Counsel’s edits and there was a motion to approve the policy for anti-discrimination and harassment. A vote was called: Susan- yes, Scott- yes, Justin- yes — motion carries. 

New Business

  1. Town Administrator items:
    1. $1,000,000 Grant Award for Beartown Mountain Rd

Melissa and Jim were successful in receiving a $1,000,000 grant to repair Beartown Mountain Rd to replace 26 culverts on 2 miles of road and work on the deep excavation of the subbase of the road and build up the base of the road. Jim said Beartown Mountain Rd will still stay gravel just beyond Fairview Rd, as it is now.  Jim said that there are sections that are more problematic that will receive additional treatment. 

  1. Evaluation tree

The Select Board reviewed the evaluation tree and who performs evaluations on various employees and departments.  Justin asked for clarification on whether the Principal Assessor will review the Assessor’s Clerk, or if the Board of Assessors will review the Assessors’ Clerk. There was some discussion about the level of input from boards and commissions and if the input will only come from the Chairs. The TA and HR director will work together to clarify the answers to these questions.

  1. Amendments to the Building Commissioner and Town Clerk Job Descriptions

Justin said his only question is that the wording is different in hours and compensation, though they are essentially the same in reality.  Melissa recommended going with the building inspector benefits listed. Justin moved to approve the changes to the building commissioner job description and change Town Clerk job description, such that hours, compensation, and benefits reflect the same information as the building commissioner’s job description. A vote was called on the motion: Scott- yes, Susan- yes, Justin- yes — motion carries.

  1. Senior tax work off application for swap shop – Lin Howitt

Justin moves to appoint Lin Howitt for senior tax work off for the Swap Shop.  This is an indefinite appointment. A vote was called and the motion was unanimously approved. The Board thanks Lin for her service to the Town.

Correspondence, minutes, public comment

  1. Review mail & correspondence:

Justin received a coverage letter from MIIA.  He forwarded this the Select Board and to Town Counsel, who said that this is a typical reservation of rights letter. Donna did not recommend the Board take any action in response to the letter.

  1. Approve minutes of 10/12/22, 10/18/22 joint, 10/19/22, 10/19/22 executive session, 10/26/22, 10/27/22

Susan recommended providing Laurie with assistance to help write the minutes. Justin will meet with Laurie to go over the expectations of minutes for the Board. Justin and Laurie will review all of the minutes up to this point together.

The Board reviewed and edited the minutes of 10/12/22. Justin moved to approve 10/12/22 as amended, Susan seconded. A vote was called on the motion: Susan- yes, Justin- yes — motion carries.

  1. Consider revision to minutes of 9/28/22

The minutes of 9/28/22 were amended to reflect comments from the previous Planning Board chair regarding the zoning bylaws. Justin drafted the edits, which the Board agreed to.

  1. Unanticipated business

No unanticipated business. 

  1. Next meeting, scheduling and agenda

Next meeting is next Thursday at 12pm with the HR Director, and later on during the meeting: Camp Kimama Half Moon. 

  1. Comments & questions from the public

No comment or questions from the public. 

Motion to adjourn: Susan- yes, Scott- yes, Justin- yes.  Meeting adjourned at 8:01pm.

Documents used at the meeting:

  1. ARPA Proposals (may be found here: )
  2. Justin Makuc disclosure of appearance of conflict of interest
  3. Approved policy: anti-discrimination and harassment (may be found here: )
  4. Evaluation tree
  5. Building Commissioner and Town Clerk Job Descriptions
  6. Coverage letter from MIIA
  7. Town Counsel’s advice re:coverage letter from MIIA