Select Board Meeting Minutes 1/19/22

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Minutes of the meeting of 1/19/22

Meeting Opened at: 6:08pm due to audio difficulties

Select Board Members Present: Steve Weisz, Chair, Justin Makuc

Select Board Members absent: John Weingold

Also present: Mickey Jervas, Susan Cooper

Also present remotely: Steve Moore, Tom Sawyer, Don Coburn, Martin Mraz

  1. The investigator, Corrine Hood Greene sent an email stating the chargeable time is already up to $8k and there are still people to interview. She expects to need an additional $6-7k to finish.  Alternatively, she proposed drafting a basic report based on the information currently gathered at the cost of $2500-3k but noted this would only provide factual findings since she does not have enough information at this time to make conclusions and recommendations.  Steve noted that this was his concern from the beginning, hiring someone that was double the hourly rate of the other investigators.  Steve would like to see a breakdown of where the $8k has been spent to date.  Steve noted one concern he held was that during his interview there were 2 investigators present and he was curious if the town was being charged for 1 or both.  Melissa Noe said that she was also interviewed by 2 people for over 4 hours.  Steve made a motion to request a breakdown of how the $8k was spent (i.e. “x” number of people spoken to for “x” number of hours) and to inquire as to who still hasn’t been interviewed.  Justin thought it would make the most sense to ask for a cost breakdown and ask for additional funds in the amount of $4k from the Finance Committee.  Susan Cooper suggested that a projection of the interviews still necessary are anticipated.  Justin drafted a response and read it aloud.  The response was edited and will be sent tonight.  The email response was approved 2-0.  A motion was made to request that the Finance Committee approve a reserve fund transfer in the amount of $4,000.  The motion was seconded and passed 2-0 contingent upon approval of the requested breakdown from the investigator.
  2. Town Administrator Items:
    1. Firefighter safety grant award: Melissa reported that she was successful in writing a grant for $10,500 to upgrade some radio equipment for the fire department.  Steve congratulated her and thanked her for her efforts.
    2. Jim Hunt, Director of Operations is recommending that Bill Klahn, the transfer station attendant that is helping to cover shifts right now, be raised to $20.55/hr.  A motion was made to raise Bill Klahn’s hourly rate to $20.55/hr.  The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 0.
    3. Melissa Noe provided the number of registered voter attendance at special and annual town meetings as provided by the Town Clerk for the board’s consideration with regard to electronic voting.  The average number of voters to attend over the last 10 years has been 84.  The Board asked Melissa to get updated quotes for lease and purchase of 175 units.
    4. Melissa explained that there is a mouse infestation at Bally Gally. Terminix has given a proposal to seal all the entry points at a cost of $1,050.  A motion was made to increase the yearly spending limit for this year by $1,050.  The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 0.
    5. A motion was made to approve the Otis elevator contract renewal.  The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 0.
    6. Melissa reported that the Treasurer will be taking out a one year note for the truck and will discuss longer loan options and the possibility of a combined loan later this year.  The payment for FY23 will be $51,700.
    7. A motion was made to allow the Planning Board permission to send their RFQ for updating the master plan to counsel for review.  The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 0.
  3. A motion was made to approve the edited minutes of 1/12/22.  The motion was seconded and approved 2-0.
  4. The Board reviewed the FY23 budget requests with the Town Administrator.  Next step will be to have a joint meeting with the Finance Committee to determine any requests that need more information or additional meetings with staff.
  5. Review mail and any correspondence to be sent/signed:
    1. Kim Wetherell email dated 1/11/22.  Steve apologized to Ms. Wetherell if any of this has caused her any stress.
    2. Ilene Marcus resignation from the Council on Aging
    3. Michele Miller email dated 1/11/22
    4. SPR21/3364 public records response
    5. Jon Sylbert email dated 1/13 (see also budget planning memo from FY22)
  6. Discussion of strategies to reach 100% broadband accessibility: Justin wants to reach out to Spectrum/Charter, as most of the homes that don’t have access the most effective way is likely from them.  Steve had no issues with this request and noted that he tried to speak with them twice with no luck.  A cable company providing television services adds an extra layer of legalese; more licensing agreements are required that the town must enter into.  Justin is aware of the tv difficulties and would ask if the internet could be separated out.
  7. Executive session minutes: 5/26 (was already previously approved), 7/21, 10/4, 11/4, 11/17: Steve reminded Justin that if anything is still ongoing the minutes they cannot be disseminated so he recommended waiting until the items have been resolved and the minutes can be released.
  8. Comments & questions from the public: Susan thanked everyone for the insane amount of work that the budget process requires.  It matters to everyone and the final product and hopes that the conversations that evolve from it make it better and make everyone feel like the work put in was worthwhile.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 8:39pm


Submitted by:

Melissa Noe, Town Administrator

Approved by:

Monterey Select Board


cc: Website (

Select Board Members

Minutes Book

Town Clerk


Any documents used in the meeting are listed below and are available by request at town hall.

  1. Email from investigator
  2. Otis elevator contract
  3. Preliminary budget requests
  4. Kim Wetherell email dated 1/11/22
  5. Ilene Marcus resignation from the Council on Aging
  6. Michele Miller email dated 1/11/22
  7. SPR21/3364 public records response
  8. Jon Sylbert email dated 1/13 (see also budget planning memo from FY22)