Select Board Meeting Minutes 12/4/19

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Minutes of the meeting of 12/4/19

Meeting Opened at: 6pm

Select Board Members Present: Kenneth Basler, Chairperson, Donald Coburn and Steven Weisz

Also in attendance: Jon Sylbert, Rebecca Wolin, George Cain, Bill Hathaway, Shawn Tryon, Dennis Hogan, Linda Thorpe, Jim Dutcher, Dennis Lynch, Laurie Shaw, Mary Makuc

Bill Hathaway and Dennis Hogan of the Southern Berkshire Volunteer Ambulance Squad (SBVAS) made a presentation to the Board and Finance Committee regarding future operations and their sustainability.  SBVAS is no longer a volunteer service and in order to continue providing the level of services to the current towns it is requesting the towns paying for services in addition to the other sources of revenue the squad receives.  SBVAS is requesting Monterey pay $9,886 for year 1 (FY21), with a 13% increase (based on previous year increases) for years 2 and 3.  In year 3 the proposed increase would be reevaluated.  The Board will discuss this further during the budget process for FY21.

The Board met with the Finance Committee to discuss the following:

  1. Past due cemetery committee bills:  Accounting made the Board aware that there is $93.50 past due to National Grid ($30.25 for FY19 and $63.25 for FY20).  Linda will submit these for payment this week.  The Board questioned the use of a personal post office box for town mail.  Linda will change the address to the town hall box and made a request that the cemetery’s mail remain unopened.
  2. FY21 budget process:  The Finance Committee was not prepared to set a schedule for budget meetings tonight; they will schedule a meeting next week to discuss this further.
  3. Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Commitments and Accounts Receivable policy and Cash Receipts Policy: The drafts have been reviewed, edited and approved by the applicable departments.  Rebecca had edits and questions that she will review with Melissa to incorporate into one document for everyone to review.

Miscellaneous Items Reviewed:

  1. Laurie Shaw, Chair of the Monterey Community Center Committee came in to provide the Board with a quarterly update of the Community Center operations.  Laurie reported that the committee is now down to 9 members from 14.  The center is being used every day between ongoing programs and special programs.  The Board commended Mary and the committee on the growth the center has seen as a result of their tireless efforts.  The committee still has concerns about the community center lighting.  They will contact someone that specializes in outdoor lighting to make recommendations for possible solutions.  Mary provided her suggestions for available positions to hire the elderly through the tax abatement program; the Board supports the proposal.
  2. Dennis Lynch came in to speak with the Board about a bill he submitted for grant related services which was not previously approved by the Board.  It was agreed to pay Dennis for the one training in Pittsfield, a revised invoice will be sent.  The Board will further review with input from Dennis how going forward we can simplify the process for obtaining approvals prior to attending any events related to grant research, all agreed that grant writers would not be paid to attend Selectmen meetings.  The Board did unanimously approve for Dennis to attend the conference on January 7th in Westborough at a cost of $196.80.
  3. FY19 Community Development Block Grant Sub-Grantee Contract.  Baily Boyd and Associates is recommending that the Board accept the sole bidder, TRI.  A motion was made to accept Baily Boyd’s recommendation which was seconded and unanimously approved.
  4. Monterey travel expense reimbursement proposed policy/process:  The Board reviewed and unanimously approved adopting this policy recommended by the Accountant.  The memo will be distributed at the meet and greet on Tuesday.
  5. Memo regarding new biweekly payroll schedule change:  This change will take effect in March for all those employees currently paid weekly, employees that are paid monthly will continue to be paid monthly.
  6. Memo regarding new biweekly vendor warrant schedule change:  The Board approved the memo to be sent tomorrow.  This change will take affect after the 1st of the New Year.
  7. Preparation for special town meeting tomorrow: The Board reviewed the talking points and had no additional questions.
  8. Vendor warrant draft procedure:  The Board approved the procedure which is no different than the current process, it is just clearly spelled out step by step.
  9. Minutes from 11/20/19 were approved.
  10. The Board accepted Kim Wetherell’s resignation as a voting member of the Conservation Commission.  Kim will still act as the Conservation Commission agent for Monterey.
  11. Mail was reviewed.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 8:15pm


Submitted by:

Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant

Approved by:

Monterey Select Board


cc: Website (

Select Board Members

Minutes Book

Town Clerk

Any documents referred to in the minutes are available by request at town hall.