Select Board Meeting Minutes 12/5/23

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Minutes of the meeting of 12/5/23

Meeting Opened at: 9am

Select Board Members Present: Justin Makuc, Chair, Susan Cooper, and Frank Abbott

Also present: Jim Hunt, Peter Murkett, Maggie Barkin, Kim Wetherell, Wendy Germain, Chris Andrews, Scott Steibel, Brian Fahey, Ilene Marcus, Dennis Lynch, Barbara Dahlman, Mark Andrews, Gerry Clarin, Mary Makuc

Also present remotely: Kyle Pettibone, Don Coburn, Kyle Pierce, Kenn Basler, Stuart Litwin, Ellen Coburn

Items discussed:

  1. Call to order 9:00am
  2. Approve minutes of 11/7/23: A motion was made to approve the minutes as amended.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  3. Town Administrator (TA) position: Justin acknowledged that there were significant motions made at last week’s meeting and read a statement (which can be found as a document used at this meeting) to explain the Board’s current thinking. Wendy Germain commented that she believes it is a matter of checks and balances, and with the budget Monterey has a few full time people are required to put less responsibility on the Board. Peter Murkett commented that this is an awkward situation as the Board seems to have made a vote of no confidence in our long time TA despite multiple employees and boards/committees that have expressed good experiences with the current TA. He went on to say that we have a TA with long experience that has spanned over several different Boards and that level of experience should not be dismissed so lightly. He suggested that the current TA could delegate any duties that she deems necessary to an assistant. Maggie Barkin asked that thought be given to a system that employs someone to assist the current TA with the mundane tasks or possibly instituting an internship program. Chris Andrews stated that the current TA was instrumental to him as a citizen helping him to navigate some troubles he had. He went on to say that in his role as Town Clerk he has witnessed the current TA and finds her an asset to the town and offered to step in as the Assistant Town Administrator if that position were to be created. Kim Wetherell, Conservation Commission agent, agreed that this is very awkward and that we all as employees want to do the best job for the taxpayers. Peter Murkett asked if it would make more sense when they advertise the position to address succession rather than replacement as the current proposal will have a long learning curve. Wendy Germain said in her opinion there have been too many issues in town hall and she feels that someone with more Human Resource or mediation experience should be considered. Jim Hunt read a letter from the highway department in support of the current TA and their concerns about the future of their own positions based on the way the Board has addressed this since August. Don Coburn commented that there is an inconsistency in the position Justin has taken based on his letter this morning. Ilene Marcus said she feels that given how municipal requirements have changed and the way that the position is currently set up there are things missing such as onboarding new board and committee members, and she wants to make sure that whoever is in the new position has these skills or is trained on them. Jim said that his experience here had been using a model he used in the past and was comparing it to the town hall system and he found it redundant as the data he received from the TA was the same information he was keeping himself. Having the current TA as a constant has been very helpful to him. Peter Murkett added that what the town has faced over the last ten years or so has been a general change in the level of regulation and the level of regulatory work that has to be dealt with. Ellen Coburn commented that it is a shame that the last time this discussion occurred that none of the letters were acknowledged or attached to the minutes. Frank explained that the new job description has been written and is effective March of 2024 and that each Board member performed an evaluation which was put into a composite summary by our attorney. Frank suggested that people look at the new job description and compare it to the old one. The old one can be found on the web site and the new one is attached to minutes from a SB meeting. Frank stated that this has all been part of the process of deciding how the Board wants to proceed.  Kim asked if the Board has considered allowing the current TA the opportunity to fulfill the new position.  Frank replied that we had the internal debate last week in SB executive meeting. There was a point system in the composite document. Frank said in his opinion the new job description is quite different.    Frank acknowledged Kim’s comment but pointed out there are people that feel differently and it’s an awkward situation for the town. Frank went on to say the Select Board is asking what is best for the town. Susan added that she finds it interesting that people are supporting the idea of an assistant town administrator and feels it is difficult to find a path to a successor in such a small environment. She also said that another topic the Board has discussed is what can the Board do to mentor and grow a current employee with our current budget and while the person is in the job. Susan believes in growing the people you have but she cannot see how to do that in a really positive way. Maggie commended the Board on their ability to work together and encouraged them to continue to work together. Justin thanked everyone for their input, and said the Board values the opinions and they will take the week to consider it all and come back to the subject next week.
  4. Human Resources consultant scope of services: Mary Aicardi will be sending a revised scope. Melissa provided her initial comments which the Board found acceptable. The UMass Collins Center will be asked to also provide a draft contract.
  5. Approve Financial Reserve Policies and Procedures: A motion was made to adopt the amended Financial Reserve Policy & Procedure.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  6. Southern Berkshire Ambulance project: CPR wrap device near all AED devices. A motion was made to authorize Southern Berkshire Ambulance to place CPR wraps at all AED locations. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  7. Town Administrator Items:
    1. Response to Town Administrator performance evaluation: Melissa responded to the evaluation which was approved last week. Justin provided comments and documentation on two of the items which the Board will take with them to review. All documents will be reviewed at the next meeting.
    2. Draft flag policy: A motion was made to accept and adopt the draft flag policy. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
    3. River Road property signage: A motion was made to approve the sign with amendments.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  8. Transfer Station Attendant Appointment: Gary Thomas: A motion was made to appoint Gary Thomas as a transfer station attendant with a 3 month probationary period and indefinite term.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  9. Assistant Town Clerk resignation: Melissa reported that Assistant Town Clerk Marie Ryan has verbally resigned from the position, but such a resignation has not been received in writing by the Town Clerk (a resignation must be received in writing by the Town Clerk in order for it to be valid).  A written letter has been requested by Melissa.
  10. Unanticipated business:
    1. The Board signed a letter of support for the Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Feasibility and Technical Assistance Grant application.
    2. Frank reported that Roger, Melissa and himself held a conference call with Whalley to discuss IT operations yesterday. We are awaiting a revised quote that would phase in all of the IT options we need moving forward.
    3. Melissa noted that she reached out to Chris Blair for help with recruitment on the Conservation Commission. The Board discussed that they are in favor of compensating the Commission and plan on discussing this during the budget process.
  11. Comments & questions from the public:
    1. Mary Makuc came in to comment on the TA position. Mary said she appreciates many of the things the current TA has been doing and appreciates the Select Board during this difficult process.
  12. Approve minutes of 11/14/23, 11/17/23, 11/21/23 and 11/28/23:
    1. A motion was made to approve the minutes of 11/14/23 as amended.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
    2. A motion was made to approve the minutes of 11/17/23 as amended.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
    3. A motion was made to approve the minutes of 11/21/23 as amended.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
    4. The minutes of 11/28/23 will be tabled to next week.
  13. Approve minutes of 11/28/23 Executive Session: This will be tabled to next week as Justin is still working on drafting these minutes.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 10:45am

Submitted by:

Melissa Noe, Town Administrator

Approved by:

Monterey Select Board


cc: Website (

Select Board Members

Minutes Book

Town Clerk


Any documents used in the meeting are listed below and are available by request at town hall.

  1. Justin Makuc statement
  2. Highway department letter
  3. Approved Financial Reserve Policies and Procedures
  4. Melissa’s response to TA evaluation; Justin’s response to Melissa’s response
  5. Approved flag policy
  6. Approved River Road property signage
  7. Letter of support for the Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Feasibility and Technical Assistance Grant application