Select Board Meeting Minutes 12/7/22

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Meeting date: 
Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Minutes of the meeting 12/7/22

Meeting Date: Wednesday December 7, 2022

Meeting Opened at 12:00 pm

Select Board members present: Justin Makuc, Chair, Susan Cooper, Scott Jenssen

Also Present: Melissa Noe

Also Present Remotely: Don Coburn, Lindy Marcel, Marie Ryan

Call to Order 12:00pm

12:00pm Lindy Marcel of SBRSD to discuss district’s new early college designation

Lindy is the early college program and internship coordinator for SBRSD.  She explained the programs to the Select Board, along with the future direction of the programs.  The higher education partner is Simons Rock Bard College.  Students began taking college courses through the program at Mt. Everett at the beginning of this school year. Next year they expect SBRSD students to be able to attend classes at the Simon’s rock campus.  Every student is pre-enrolled, and the program is targeting students who could benefit from exposure to different technical skills or a degree program after high school.  Mt. Everett starts to prepare students entering into the 6th grade for this program.  The Select Board asked Lindy to please make sure that there is a strong focus on trade apprenticeships at Mt. Everett.

Old Business

  1. Part Time Police Officer hourly rate increase

The Select Board spoke with the future Police Chief, Brian Fahey, and researched the hourly rate surrounding towns offer part time Police Officers.  The Select Board discussed the current pay rate and pros and cons of increasing the pay rate.  The request is for the Town of Monterey to increase the part-time Police Officer pay rate from $21.79 per hour to $25 per hour effective January 1st, 2023.  Scott made a motion to approve the future Police Chief’s request to increase the part-time Police Officer pay rate from $21.79 per hour to $25 per hour effective January 1st, 2023. Justin seconded the motion.  Justin called a vote: Susan- yes, Scott- yes, Justin- yes.

  1. Tax software upgrade request

Justin reported that the Finance Committee discussed the tax software update request at their meeting last night.The Finance Committee recommended spreading the cost over the course of 3 years, contingent upon the upgrade being necessary.Justin made a motion to commit to upgrade of the QDS core services software with the upgrade fee split across 3 years at the cost of $1500 per year.Susan seconded. Justin called a vote: Susan- yes, Scott- yes, Justin- yes.

  1. Discuss structure of Building Department

Justin said that Town Counsel advises that the Select Board can delegate the oversight of the wiring and plumbing/gas inspectors to the Town Administrator or Building Commissioner.   Then the Building Commissioner could assign an alternate or assistant to complete an inspection if they deemed it necessary.  Justin asked if the Select Board was interested in adopting a consolidated department for inspections. and a discussion ensued.  Justin will follow up with Donna and the Select Board will reconvene on the topic next week. 

New Business

  1. Appointment of Interim Town Clerk, Marie Ryan

Marie said that she was willing to serve as an Interim Town Clerk for Monterey and is available on Tuesday afternoons, through the end of December and thereafter Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and by appointment.  Ms. Ryan believes that she can meet the towns needs in 5 hours per week, although more may be necessary during busy times such as elections.  The Select Board discussed compensation and hours for the position.  Justin suggested authorizing up to 10 hours per week, at $30 per hour. Melissa and Marie agreed on a 3-month probation period for the time being, and Marie offered to help train a new Town Clerk.  Set office hours for the interim Town Clerk will be agreed upon and posted as of the start of the year.  Justin moved to appoint Marie Ryan as the interim Town Clerk for a probationary period of 3 months at $30 per hour for up to 10 hours per week, and if more hours are needed, Marie will contact the Town Administrator to approve the request for more hours. Susan seconded. Justin called a vote on the motion: Susan- yes, Scott- yes, Justin- yes.

There was discussion regarding the role of current Town Clerk staff, Gary Shaw, going forward. The Board discussed whether Gary should keep the office open to offer additional office hours to the public, since Marie’s availability for office hours, when she is able to start in the new year, will likely be limited to a total of about five hours between two late afternoons/evenings. Justin suggested that Gary be directed to hold additional office hours in the Town Clerk’s office to enhance availability to the public, if he is willing. Melissa, Susan, and Scott felt that we should hold off on additional office hours until Marie completes her assessment of the state of the clerk’s office.

  1. Review Police Chief contract

The Select Board discussed the Police Chief contract and recommendations for modifications to said contract.  The Select Board will send the modified contract to Donna for review.   

  1. Fuel account spent

There are currently no funds in the fuel account.  Susan and Melissa suggested that ARPA funds can be utilized to help with the fuel account.  Melissa suggested that the Select Board amend the request for the ARPA funds for the pavilion and playground and instead provide funding for the designers of these projects, since both projects require engineered plans.  From here, she recommended then allocating some of the remaining funds towards the fuel account.  The Select Board discussed the pros and cons of re-allocating funds from the playground and pavilion into the fuel account, along with concerns that the already designated ARPA funds will not be enough to pay for the pavilion and playground projects in their entirety.  Melissa pointed out that the likely shortfalls will result in the projects having to be approved at Town Meeting in order to get the remaining funding so that we can commit to contracts.   Scott moved to amend the ARPA fund allocations and take $40,000 to put towards the fuel account.  Susan seconded the motion.  Justin recommended putting it on the agenda for next week in order to comply with the OML.  Scott rescinded his motion.  The Board will take this item up at next week’s meeting.

  1. Attendance at Massachusetts Municipal Association Annual Meeting & Trade Show

The Massachusetts Municipal Association Annual Meeting and Trade Show is being held in Boston this year.  Melissa said she has money in the Town Administrator Account to pay expenses for herself to attend, and the Select Board has funding to pay for expenses if they wish to go.  Justin and Susan were considering attending. 

  1. Town Administrator items

Melissa said that they would like to sever the relationship with an employee who is in their probationary period.Susan and Scott said that they were ok with delegating the firing authority to the Town Administrator and Department Head, rather than hold a hearing with the Select Board to terminate the employee.Justin recommended reaching out to Donna to see if the Select Board could delegate firing authority.Susan made a motion to delegate firing authority to the Town Administrator and the Department head in this specific instance for a probationary employee, who is an at will employee, contingent on Town Counsel’s approval.Scott seconded the motion. Call a vote- Susan- yes, Scott- yes, Justin- abstain, motion carries. Justin will follow up with Donna to clarify if this can legally be done.

Correspondence, minutes, public comment

  1. Review mail & correspondence

No mail or correspondence

  1. Approve minutes of 11/30/22

The minutes of 11/30/22 were reviewed, modifications were made, and they were approved.  Justin made a motion to approve the minutes of 11/30/22 as amended.  Susan seconded. Justin called a vote: Susan- yes, Scott- yes, Justin- yes.

  1. Unanticipated business

Susan asked the Select Board if they wanted to choose which groups to participate in with the various preliminary department budget meetings.  Justin said he informed Melissa that to avoid the appearance or reality of favoritism he would not participate in the Library, Fire Department, or Community Center, and Tax Collector meetings.  Melissa presented the various departments she had assigned to the Select Board Members. 

  1. Comments & questions from the public


Justin made a Motion to Adjourn; Scott seconded

Call a vote: Susan- yes, Scott- yes, Justin- yes

Meeting adjourned at 2:17pm


Documents used at the meeting:

  • Part Time Police Officer hourly rates in surrounding Towns
  • Tax software upgrade form
  • Town Counsel’s advice regarding structure of Building Department
  • Draft Police Chief contract