Select Board Meeting Minutes 1/29/20

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Minutes of the meeting of 1/29/20

Meeting Opened at: 9am

Select Board Members Present: Kenneth Basler, Chairperson, Donald Coburn and Steven Weisz

Also in attendance: Chris Blair, Peter Chait, Adam Chait, Steve Moore, Hillel Maximon, Dennis Downing, BJ Johnson, Terry Walker, Don Clawson, Shawn Tryon

Miscellaneous Items Reviewed:

  1. At the request of the Town Clerk a motion was made to appoint Scott Steibel and Steve Pullen as Election Workers for 1 year and Registrar of Voters for 3 years.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  2. FY21 budget:  The Board discussed the budget proposals that have come in to date.  Don will send M. Noe some alternate numbers for the Fire Department’s proposal to phase it in over a few years rather than all at once.  M. Noe has also been asked to figure out the impact of offering a raise in addition to the proposed 2% cost of living increase.
  3. Website:  M. Noe was asked to update the appointed and elected officials’ page on the town website and going forward to perform a monthly review to make sure the site is always up to date.
  4. The Board signed the third party transfer station inspection report from Huntley Associates, P.C. which will be submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection.
  5. The Board approved any mileage and expenses that will be associated with the request from the Attorney General for her to testify in front of the grand jury in February.
  6. The Board continued the discussion on Broadband and how best to move forward.  Discussion ensued on whether a formal committee should be created.  Chris Blair and Steve Moore volunteered to help out in any way they can to be helpful.  It was agreed that an official committee would not be formed at this time but anyone interested in putting their thoughts together to present to the Board would be welcomed.  Don will also reach out to Michael Baldino for a status update.
  7. The Board met with Terry Walker, Town Clerk to discuss the FY21 budget proposal for her office.
    1. Terry requested that the line item for registration stipends ($500) be eliminated from the budget as she no longer needs it.
    2. Request to increase office hours: Terry reported that 15 hours a week isn’t enough time to complete all the items that need to be done.  The Board inquired about how the Assistant Town Clerk is being used as this position should be helping to complete the items she isn’t able to complete.  Terry reported that the person currently filling the assistant job isn’t interesting in becoming the Clerk once Terry retires.  The Board expressed that if the current person in the assistant position can’t function as the assistant and isn’t interested in becoming the Clerk, this should be reevaluated.  After much deliberation it was determined by all parties that the assistant position could be eliminated for FY21.  The Board agreed to adding 1 additional hour to each day currently open beginning July 1, meaning 3 additional hours per week for a total of 18 hours per week.  It was also agreed that any time off the Clerk takes will be posted on the town calendar so the public will be aware that the office will be closed.
  8. The Board met with Don Clawson, Principal Assessor to discuss the future of the Department.  There are 2 persons interested (Gary Shaw and Scott Steibel) in assuming Don’s position when he retires.  Don will be training them both over the next year or so.  Stan Ross will be resigning as an elected Assessor and the plan is to appoint Scott to fill the position until the elections in May.  Don reported that once we get full cell coverage in town the state will require his equipment and software to be updated and the FY22 budget would be looking at an approximate $20k increase.
  9. The Board met with Shawn Tryon to discuss the culvert replacement and old stone dame study proposals.  As Dennis Lynch was unable to attend this morning this will be tabled until 5pm on February 5th.
  10. Warrants were signed.
  11. Mail was reviewed.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 11:24am


Submitted by:

Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant

Approved by:

Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (

Select Board Members

Minutes Book

Town Clerk


Any documents referred to in the minutes are available by request at town hall.