Select Board Meeting Minutes 1/4/24

Meeting date: 
Thursday, January 4, 2024

Minutes of the meeting of 1/4/24

Meeting Opened at: 6pm

Select Board Members Present: Justin Makuc, Chair, Susan Cooper and Frank Abbott

Also present: Melissa Noe (Town Administrator)

Also present remotely: Don Coburn

Items discussed:

  1. Call to order 6:00pm
  2. Town Administrator position: Frank and Susan have responded to the questionnaire sent by the Collins Center regarding the Town Administrator posting, and Justin will as soon as possible so that the Board can have a draft of the profile to review as early as possible.
  3. Special Town Meeting date and articles: The Board reviewed a draft warrant which includes the following possible articles:
    1. November 2022 – June 2023 stipend for the School Committee rep ($1,074.64). It was noted that this non-payment was due to the representative not submitting her timesheets in the timeclock web software.
    2. $1,000 for a prior year (FY23) bill just submitted last month for compost removal at the transfer station.
    3. Additional monies for mailing of town meeting warrants due to the extra special town meeting (approximately $1,300).
    4. $40,000 to cover operations at the transfer station for the rest of FY24. This is due to the Town selecting the pricier but more responsive bid package, a mathematical error prior to adjustment of the figure at Town Meeting, increased costs of hauling and dumping waste, and the previous hauling contractor removing and destroying the existing compactor rather than selling it to the Town.
    5. IT expenses for the remainder of FY24
    6. Solar bylaw change from the Planning Board and Renewable Energy Working Group

Other possible items include:

  1. Unknown amount to cover operations at the Community Center for the remainder of FY24.
  2. General bylaw changes from the Bylaw Review Committee
  3. Additional monies for the Town Administrator Salary
  4. Additional monies for the Office Assistant wages
  5. Adding the recall bylaw back on due to the legislature dropping the ball the last time
  6. Possible transfer of already appropriated fire department capital monies to a separate account.

The last Saturday of February, the 24th was suggested as a possible date for the meeting.

  1. Town Administrator Items:
    1. Melissa asked the Board for input on a few budget line items. Discussion ensued on holding off on any new hires for the Office Assistant until the Board has received further guidance from the Collins Center on the possible change within the Town Administrator’s office.
    2. A motion was made to accept the $500 police donation received.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  2. Costs related to Walker lawsuit: The Board unanimously approved using the legal fees line item to pay for any related transportation, accommodations and associated costs for the Town Administrator to appear in Boston for a deposition for the Walker lawsuit.
  3. Approve minutes of 12/5/23, 12/12/23, 12/19/23:
    1. A motion was made to approve the minutes of 12/5/23 as amended.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
    2. A motion was made to approve the minutes of 12/12/23 as amended.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
    3. The Board has previously approved the executive session minutes of 9/21/22 and 9/28/22, but the approved versions cannot be found, so the Board reviewed the tracked changes versions of both meetings.
    4. A motion was made to approve the executive session minutes of 9/21/22 5:30pm pending any final edits from Susan and then release them to the public.  The motion was seconded and approved by Susan and Justin, Frank abstained.
    5. A motion was made to approve the executive session minutes of 9/28/22 and release them to the public.  The motion was seconded and approved by Susan and Justin, Frank abstained.
    6. The minutes of 12/19/23 will be addressed at a future meeting.
  4. A motion was made to approve the executive session minutes of 11/28/23 as amended.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  5. Unanticipated business:
    1. Melissa informed the Board that the Fire Chief has informed her that he will not be pursuing the Community Compact Efficiency and Regionalization Grant this year as was originally proposed.
    2. Melissa reported that our insurer has informed us that the assessment appraisal of the library building has increased and we will owe an additional $2,823 for FY24 and $5,646 for FY25. The Board wants the Finance Committee and Library to review this before making any decisions.
  6. Comments & questions from the public: none
  7. Adjournment

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 7:43pm


Submitted by:

Melissa Noe, Town Administrator

Approved by:

Monterey Select Board


cc: Website (

Select Board Members

Minutes Book

Town Clerk


Any documents used in the meeting are listed below and are available by request at town hall.

  1. Draft special town meeting warrant