Select Board Meeting Minutes 2/5/2020

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Minutes of the meeting of 2/5/20

Meeting Opened at: 5pm

Select Board Members Present: Kenneth Basler, Chair, Donald Coburn (left at 7:50pm), Steven Weisz

Also in attendance: Dennis Lynch, Shawn Tryon, Janet Jensen, George Cain, Jon Sylbert, Rebecca Wolin, Gareth Backhaus, Brian Fahey, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Wendy Tirrell,  Mickey Jervas, Mark Makuc, Julio Rodriguez, Bob Rausch, Barbara Swann, Paul Depreter, Gerry and Carol Clarin

The following items were discussed:

  1. Dennis Lynch came in to discuss the proposal from GZA Engineering for the culvert and dam projects.  The engineering study for just the culvert is $62,190.  An engineering study for just the dam if not combined with the culvert is $60,140.  If we combine the projects the total would be $106,220 (includes a discount of $16,380).  GZA was also asked to estimate the approximate cost if the town were to remove the dam: $400k - $1million.  GZA also provided an estimate if the town were to restore the dam: $1million – 2+million.  The Board agreed to pursue only the engineering study of the culvert.  A motion was made to sign the GZA engineering contract for the culvert at a cost of $62,190.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  Dennis recommends that we contract with Berkshire Regional Planning Commission to coordinate/administer the grant.
  2. The Board discussed various FY21 proposed budget items which will be reviewed later in the meeting with the Finance Committee.  The Board briefly discussed the Town Administrator budget and discussed having a placeholder of $40k until we have the final report from the Collins Center.
  3. Shawn reported that the Fire Company is applying for a grant for air packs and said he may require the assistance of one of the grant writers, the Board suggested he bring in a proposal.
  4. The Board approved Terry Walker’s request to attend a culvert grant training this Friday.  The Board agreed as long as she’s feeling better as she has been out sick this week.
  5. The Board discussed the email received from the Town Clerk asking the Board to revisit the joint decision made by the Clerk and Board to eliminate the Assistant Town Clerk.  The Board will ask Terry to attend a future meeting to discuss this further.
  6. Minutes of 1/15, 1/22, 1/23, 1/28 and 1/29 were approved.
  7. The Board met with the Finance Committee to discuss the following:
    1. Our MIIA representative, Wendy Tirrell came in as requested by the Finance Committee to discuss our current health plan as well as an alternate plan which would save about 2.6%.  Our premiums are going up 0.41% for FY21.  Our current policies through MIIA offer 3 tiers; single, 2 person and family which not all insurers offer.  Wendy was asked to explain how our plans compare to the GIC plans; she will put together a comparison for the Boards.  The discussion will continue at the February 19, 2020.
    2. The library came to discuss their request to add additional hours that the library would be open at a total cost of $14,210.50, $1.333.50 of that is an extra hour for the library director as he is running a bigger library.  Kenn and Steve asked about phasing in extra hours over 2 years rather than all in one year.  Jon recommends that any proposal for extra hours be added to the town meeting warrant as a special article rather than as part of the budget, everyone agreed.  Kenn made a motion to include the proposal as a special article.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
    3. Mickey had questions about the way the debt service is presented to the town.  The Board suggested she come to the meeting on the 19th when Unibank presents borrowing options.
    4. Steve noted that not all of the emails being sent by the Finance Committee regarding the budget are being sent to all the Select Board members and the Administrative Assistant and they should be.
    5. The Board and Fin Comm briefly reviewed the Select Board budget items.
  8. At 7pm the Board held a meeting to discuss the Monterey School Building.  Steve Weisz recused himself from the discussion and participated as an audience member.  The Board feels that all of the reports and inspections performed over the last few years are cost prohibitive to keep or maintain the building.  The Board is proposing to put it before the town at the annual town meeting to sell the building at auction and was inviting public comment seeing as there was confusion by some at the special where it was first presented.  A motion was made to continue the meeting to March 11th at 7pm.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 7:57pm


Submitted by:

Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant

Approved by:

Monterey Select Board


cc: Website (

Select Board Members

Minutes Book

Town Clerk


Any documents referred to in the minutes are available by request at town hall.