Select Board Meeting Minutes 2/8/23

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Minutes of the Select Board meeting 2/8/23

Meeting Date: Wednesday February 8, 2023

Meeting Opened at 6:00pm

Select Board members present: Justin Makuc, Chair, Susan Cooper, Scott Jenssen

Other individuals present: Melissa Noe

Other individuals present remotely: Scott Steibel, Mary Makuc

Call to Order 6:00pm

Old Business                                                        

  1. Draft response letters to Southern Berkshire Ambulance’s request for funding

Susan drafted a response letter to Southern Berkshire Ambulance for their request for funding.  The Select Board and the Town Administrator discussed the draft of the letter highlighting that the initial amount requested did not seem to be an equitable way to divide the costs.  The Select Board discussed other towns that utilize Southern Berkshire Ambulances’ services and which towns require more service and use of the Ambulance.  Susan said that she would like to learn more about how Southern Berkshire Ambulance arrived at the dollar amount they are requesting for funding.  Justin said that he believes the Select Board should send the letter to Southern Berkshire Ambulance.  Susan said that she believes the Select Board should encourage a conversation that involves Gt. Barrington and Sheffield so that Southern Berkshire is not placed into an awkward position.  The Select Board will select a representative to attend the meeting. The Select Board approved and sign letters to be sent to SBA, and to each of the other Towns that SBA serves.

  1. Sign Police Chief contract

Justin reported that the Police Chief accepted the contract that the Select Board proposed.The Select Board signed the Police Chief contract.

  1. Discuss process for Town Administrator annual performance evaluation

Justin reported that Alexandra Rubin from Miyares and Harrington got back to the Select Board, and he read the response she sent.  Justin reported that the performance evaluation summary could not be sent out to Select Board members due to this violating the open meeting law.  Justin recommended that the HR Director compile a composite evaluation based on the Select Board evaluation forms and the 360 review forms, and that each individual Board member submitting their own evaluation form would be the end of the Select Board involvement.  In the event the HR Director required additional action or input from the Select Board after the comprehensive evaluation was compiled, then the Select Board would then refer to Town Counsel for advice on how to proceed.  The Board agreed to this process.

  1. Approve revised Town Clerk job description, help wanted ad

Melissa, Marie Ryan (Acting Town Clerk) and Justin each reviewed the Town Clerk job description and made edits as appropriate.The Select Board and the Town Administrator discussed the amendments to the Town Clerk job description.Melissa reported that Sophia recommended adding that certification was desirable for the position.Susan suggested that there should be an understanding that a salary increase would be advisable in the event the individual obtained the required certifications for the Town Clerk position.Justin moved to approve the revised Town Clerk job description help wanted ad.Susan seconded.Call a vote: Scott- yes, Susan- yes, Justin- yes.

Susan said that she reviewed the data that was provided to them and recommended focusing on the pay rates for the Berkshires and not for the entire state.Susan suggested offering $30 per hour.Scott agreed and discussed offering $35 per hour based on experience and certification.Susan said that the remaining component to work out would be the number of required hours for the position.The Select Board discussed ideas for how to assess what hours would be beneficial to have the Town Clerk available.

  1. FY24 budget:
    1. Assessor’s consulting services for 5 year revaluation

Scott Steibel, the chair of the board of Assessors, joined the Select Board meeting.  Justin reported that they have not been through the formal procurement process; however, they have two quotes for the services needed, the first being $14, 500, and the second being $15,000.  Justin said that the idea would be to add this to the FY24 budget, choose one of the amounts, and then partake in the formal procurement process in the summer.  Scott recommended going with the $15,000 estimate.  Justin recommended discussing this at a joint meeting with the Finance Committee.  The expense will recur in 5 years.  The Board of Assessors does an evaluation every year, then completes a large re-evaluation every 5 years with the consultant. Annually, the Board of Assessors completes a less intensive evaluation with a consultant on a much lower scale. Justin inquired if they would take off the traditional annual evaluation fee during the years they were completing the 5- year evaluation or if this fee would be in addition to the regular annual fees for the consultant.  Scott will research this and get back to the Select Board. 

Melissa provided an update on the FY24 budget for the Parks Commission.  She said that they agreed to remove the ping-pong table, she is investigating using funds available to the Conservation Commission for the proposed Brewer Pond hiking trail, and that Parks is seeking a donation from local biking groups to provide a bike rack station.  They are planning to keep the renovation of the baseball field on the budget.  Jerry and Melissa are working on obtaining quotes for the projects.  The Select Board and Town Administrator discussed lifeguard staffing for the beach.  Melissa reported that they requested $25,000 for lifeguards for the season, and she lowered the proposed beach monitor cost due to there not being a need until July. 

  1. Appointments to the Board of Registrars: Brian Jeffries, Kathryn Roberts, Steven Pullen

Justin reported that the Town Clerk counts for one space on the Board of Registrars by default.  Justin moved to appoint to the Board of Registrars for a term of three years: Brian Jeffries, Kathryn Roberts, and Steven Pullen. 

Susan asked if the members need to be staggered and the Select Board discussed the topic.  Justin amended the motion.  The new motion was to appoint to the Board of Registrars Brian Jeffries for three years, Kathryn Roberts for two years, and Steven Pullen for one year.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote.  Susan-yes, Scott- yes, Justin- yes. 

New Business

  1. Discuss Community Center pavilion procurement

Justin notified Laurie Shaw that the Select Board was going to be discussing the Community Center pavilion procurement.  Laurie requested that the Select Board postpone the discussion until next week when she was available.  The Select Board discussed concerns with the bid and how the timeline might work out.  This item will be tabled until next week. 

  1. Discuss Curtis Road bridge detour over Gould Road as estimates are available

The Select Board discussed the detour for the bridge closure.Scott inquired about reaching out to a state senator regarding the light.Susan summarized the three available options: 1) to widen the River Road end of Gould Rd (known as Lover’s Lane) to accommodate two way traffic; 2) to keep Lover’s Lane its current width and use lights to alternate one-way traffic; or 3) to complete repairs on the Curtis Road bridge one lane at a time and significantly increase repair time.In addition, we have several options for the surface of Lover’s Lane. Justin said he was not sure if they were bound to the original decision of closing the bridge for one season, which the previous Board had discussed over a year ago.Melissa discussed her conversations with the State about the project.The Select Board discussed the various options offered along with the monetary considerations.This topic will be continued at a future meeting.

  1. Town Administrator items:
    1. Municipal Vulnerability Plan Grant contract amendment

Justin discussed the Municipal Vulnerability Plan grant contract amendment reporting that this is regarding additional funding being paid out for phase two of the culvert.  Justin moved to accept the contract amendment with Berkshire Regional Planning Commission.  Scott seconded.  Call a vote.  Susan- yes, Justin- yes, Scott- yes.

Correspondence, minutes, public comment

  1. Review mail & correspondence

No mail or correspondence. 

  1. Approve minutes of 1/25/23 and 2/1/23

Justin made a motion to approve the minutes from 1/25/23 as amended.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote.  Susan- yes, Justin- yes, Scott- yes.

Justin made a motion to approve the minutes from 2/1/23 as amended.Susan seconded.Call a vote.Susan- yes, Justin- yes, Scott- yes.

  1. Unanticipated business

Justin discussed the letter about the Hupi Rd. rainwater runoff filtration system.  Melissa reported that there were additional funds available.  Melissa provided an update to the Select Board regarding the meeting she had with Courtney Morehouse of Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, Jim Hunt, Director of Operations, and the engineer. It was suggested in the meeting that the project would benefit from some additions, and that there is grant money available for this.  Furthermore, an extension of the time-line is both available and advisable to ensure an excellent result. Courtney drafted a letter for the Select Board to approve, which included several additions to the project.  Justin inquired about the funds being requested for different components of the project.  Justin moved to approve the letter about the Hupi Rd. drainage project.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote.  Susan- yes, Justin- yes, Scott- yes.

Melissa discussed the tree work completed for the Bidwell Park storm clean-up project and reported that Jim still has a few things to take care of.  She discussed the project with BRPC.  Melissa said that there will be approximately $4,000 remaining in the clean-up fund, and she was inquiring if stabilization to prevent further erosion would factor into that category, or should she add the request to the Town meeting warrant to be re- assigned.  The money would go towards purchasing the plants that would go in that section. 

Melissa left the copies of the employee reviews in the Select Board mailbox, and she is requesting that the Select Board review and sign the employee reviews, so they are aware of employee performance.  It was agreed that the Board will not be involved in reviewing these evaluations, only the Human Resource Director and Town Administrator unless there is an issue that the Board is made aware of through Sophia and Melissa. 

  1. Comments & questions from the public

There were no comments or questions from the public. 

Justin made a motion to adjourn the meeting.Scott seconded.Call a vote.  Susan- yes, Justin- yes, Scott- yes.  Meeting was adjourned at 7:47pm. 

Documents used at the meeting

  1. Signed letters regarding Southern Berkshire Ambulance
  2. Signed Police Chief contract
  3. Advice from Town Counsel regarding Town Administrator evaluation
  4. Approved Town Clerk job description and ad
  5. Municipal Vulnerability Plan Grant contract amendment
  6. Letter for the Hupi Rd. drainage project