Select Board Meeting Minutes 3/3/21

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Minutes of the meeting of 3/3/21

Meeting Opened at: 5pm

Select Board Members Present: Donald Coburn, Chair, Steve Weisz

Select Board Members present remotely: John Weingold

Also present remotely: Michael Zisser, Dennis Lynch, Michele Miller, Mary Makuc, Jon Sylbert, Rebecca Wolin,

Roll call taken by the finance committee.  Jon Sylbert present remotely. Rebecca Wolin present remotely.  Michele joined the meeting at 5:32pm

Roll call taken by the select board.  John Weingold present remotely. Steve Weisz and Don Coburn present at town hall.

Items discussed:

  1. Jon Sylbert provided everyone with a copy and quickly went over the presentation he made at the Finance Committee meeting earlier this evening.  Steve and Don both commented that it was complex but they were inclined to study it first and were not prepared to discuss in detail tonight.
  2. Rebecca asserts that we have overtaxed our taxpayers by a half a million each year and this needs to stop.  Don reminded her that she talks about past budgets as if she didn’t have a part in approving them.
  3. Jon Sylbert and Rebecca Wolin of the Finance Committee made a complaint that the Board of Assessors is not properly taxing people. Michele made it clear that she did not support this opinion.  Jon reports that the Monterey Fire Company charity has not been filing the proper tax documents with the town or the Attorney General.  Jon disputes the assessments for properties on their tax forms.  He does not feel the town should be giving money to a charity that in his opinion is out of compliance.  Jon and Rebecca were reminded that this falls outside the proper scope of the Finance Committee. Steve inquired if Jon and Rebecca were asking the Board to shut down the fire company and if not what remedy are they seeking? A motion was made to take the Finance Committee’s complaints with respect to the Fire Company under advisement and put those matters off until such time that the budget has been completed.  The motion was seconded.  John asked how this could be tabled when part of the complaint disputes giving money to the fire company.  Steve said we either fund the fire company or we don’t.  John no. Steve yes. Don yes.
  4. Questions arose as to who owns the fire company?  Tax records show the fire company but Don asserts that in fact they do not because they cannot sell the building and you can’t own something you can’t sell – Jon S wants this in writing from counsel.  If the fire company stopped being a fire company the buildings/property become the towns.  Jon and Rebecca stated that abatements issued by the Board of Assessors have not been proper for the last 15years and the fire company should’ve been sent a tax bill.
  5. A motion was made by the Finance Committee to request information/clarification on the status of the fire company’s tax commitments to Monterey and the Attorney General’s office.  The motion was seconded.  Rebecca yes. Jon yes.  Michele left the meeting.
  6. John W asked if this has been going on for all of these years why did we give them $32k for a hand railing? Steve reported that the railing was required for a certificate of occupancy and was approved by the select board, finance committee and town meeting.
  7. A motion was made to adjourn the finance committee meeting at 6:04pm.  Passed 2 – 0.
  8. Dennis Lynch requested that the Board accept the following best practices for the culvert grant the town is applying for.  A motion was made to adopt the Best Practice:  Complete a Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan through the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Program to assess local risks from climate change and identify potential actions to enhance community resiliency and Best Practice:  Require Localized Flood Protection Best Practices, including Stormwater Management Measures to increase recharge, manage water movement, reduce pollution, and control flooding to protect lives, public safety, infrastructure, the environment, & critical assets. Jon asked why these weren’t adopted in 2018 when the MVP grant was originally applied for, Dennis replied that it wasn’t requested at that time. The motion passed unanimously. 
  9. Budget process: Don stated that he does not appreciate the Finance Committee using the joint meetings to slander almost everyone in town government.  He suggested that further joint meetings would not be fruitful and from this point on Select Board would continue on their own.  The motion was seconded. Steve yes as long as updates made continue to be sent to the Finance Committee.  Steve reminded everyone that the current budget process has been going on for many years and he doesn’t understand some of the reasoning behind some of the Fin Comm’s accusations. There is a difference between accusing someone for being out of compliance and actually being out of compliance; if they are then you work with them to get them in compliance.  Steve also pointed out that Jon, one of the main complainers toward the fire company tonight was on the select board for some of that time he alleges these acts occurred and inquired as to why didn’t he fix it then?  Don, yes. Steve, yes. John, no.
  10. The letter to be written to the legislation with regard to the impact of the recent police reform will be tabled until we can discuss further with the Police Chief.  All agreed.
  11. M. Noe asked the Board for assistance.  She has requested several times now (and all more than 10 days ago) for copies of missing finance committee minutes with no response.  Should a complaint be filed? The Board opted to send one more request before taking the route of a formal complaint with the state.
  12. M Noe was asked to send a copy of her new job description to all the department heads and board/committee chairs so all are clear on responsibilities and range of duties. 
  13. Mary Makuc noted that she should like to think more on the proposal made at the finance committee meeting to use revolving funds instead of putting the lighting proposal on the warrant.  She also noted that she may put the request on as a citizen petition.  Mary asked that it be on record that she doesn’t think Rebecca Wolin is trying to do evil as was said earlier in the meeting.  Don agreed evil may have been too strong of a word.  Steve pointed out that the revolving fund is for operations, not large capital items
  14. Don informed Steve and John that we have received a formal complaint against a member of one of the boards from an employee.  John: Point of Order: was this on the agenda? No it just arose.  Don is proposing that the Town Administrator send letter to the person the complaint was filed against advising of the complaint and scheduling an executive session hearing for March 10 at 9am.  Steve agreed.  John wanted more information about the details of the complaint which Don agreed to provide if John agreed not to share the information.  John would not agree.
  15. As per MGL Chapter 44 section 31D the Board declared a snow emergency.  The declaration passed unanimously
  16. The Board unanimously accepted 2 generous donations made to the Police Department.  One in the amount of $2,400 from Ronald Rubin and $50 from Howard & Pat Nourse
  17. A motion was made to accept the health insurance through MIIA for FY22 which will be at a 0.75% increase.  The motion passed unanimously
  18. A motion was made to approve the minutes of 2/24.  The motion passed 2 -1.
  19. Mail: none
  20. Public comment: none

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 6:45pm


Submitted by:

Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant

Approved by:

Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (

Select Board Members

Minutes Book

Town Clerk


Any documents used in the meeting are listed below and are available by request at town hall.

  1. Jon Sylbert’s presentation