Select Board Meeting Minutes 3/4/2020

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Minutes of the meeting of 3/4/20

Meeting Opened at: 4:30pm

Select Board Members Present: Kenneth Basler, Chair, Donald Coburn, Steven Weisz

Also in attendance: Hillel Maximon, George Cain, Jon Sylbert, Rebecca Wolin, Michele Miller, Dennis Lynch, Steve Snyder, Mary Makuc

The following items were discussed:

  1. The Board met with the Finance Committee to discuss the following FY21 budget items:
    1. Health Insurance: Hillel Maximon expressed concern with the Finance Committee’s proposal to reduce the employee’s health benefits and noted that certain employees were hired with the agreement of earning certain benefits and to cut them would be a disservice, offensive and a breach of their hiring contract.  He suggested starting everyone at 75/25 and giving them the opportunity to increase the split up to 90/10 based on their years of service with the town as an incentive to stay with the town.  Don Coburn made a motion to table all discussion on insurance until a town administrator is hired.  The Finance Committee argued that they will not support this.  The motion was seconded by Kenn and passed 2 -1 with Steve voting no (as he wanted to discuss it before an administrator is hired).  Discussion ensued.  Steve supported that there wasn’t any benefit to making radical changes right now (so close to our budget/town meeting) and agrees that any employees that have deals for a 90/10 or 80/20 split should be honored.  The Board noted that the Finance Committee did not allow enough time to present their proposed changes so that adequate research could be done.  The Board also stressed that the employees should and will be included in any conversations about change before they are made.  Steve made a motion for reconsideration of Don’s motion which was seconded by Kenn passing 2 – 1.
    2. Fire Company:  The Fire Company has submitted a revised proposal for their overnight program.  Their original proposal was an increase of $64,500 from FY20, the revised proposal is an increase of $28,500.  George stated that he is not ready to make a decision as the Fire Company has not yet provided him the additional information he requested.  Kenn explained that this proposal is a trial that if it works will be implemented over 3 years and that the proposal has nothing to do with calls and more to do with training and getting an adequate number of people to respond to calls.  The Select Board supports the revised proposal and suggested that the Finance Committee schedule a meeting with the fire company so they can understand it better.
    3. Steve Snyder and Dennis Lynch were present to discuss their request for $30k for the continuance of Eurasian Watermilfoil control (an impact according to Steve of about $30/year to each household).  They are also requesting it be a recurring line item rather than a special article.  Jon stated for the record once again that Lake Garfield needs a tax district to address these issues as it is not the responsibility of the town taxpayers and should be treated the same as Lake Buel.  Steve Weisz argued that 5 years of controlling the milfoil is $150k, if we were to not address it for 5 years we would be facing a bill of $2million to clear the lake of weeds as Stockbridge is doing right now.  A motion was made by Don to include it as a special article.  Kenn seconded the motion and it passed 2 – 1.  Steve Weisz thanked Steve Snyder for all the hard work, effort and chairmanship he has provided to the Lake Garfield Working Group.
    4. Dennis requested permission to attend the 604b grant meeting tomorrow as a grant writer for the town.  The Board unanimously agreed to allow Dennis to attend.
    5. Borrowing options: The Board reviewed the borrowing options Unibank provided the Board for combining the library and highway truck proposal.  It was argued that we have over $800k in stabilization which should be used for capital purchases.  Both Boards agreed the best option was to take out a loan/bond for the library only for a term of 20 years; new sheets will be requested from.
    6. Highway department’s request for 2 – Freightliner M2’s to replace the 16 year old Osh Kosh:  The Board agreed that it makes sense to buy the trucks together for parts and repair.  Don suggested that in this case the Boards should show more respect for Shawn’s judgement and vision on his proposal and remember that the town has essentially already paid for the trucks when they put money into stabilization for these such purposes.  Don made a motion to approve the purchase of 2 Freightliner M2’s and pay for it from stabilization.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  Jon made a motion to approve the purchase of 2 Freightliner M2’s and pay for it from stabilization.  The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 1 with George voting no.
    7. Another joint meeting was scheduled for next Thursday, March 12th at 4:30pm.
    8. The Select Board accepted the proposed schedule for the warrants and deadlines to submit citizen petitions.
    9. Mary Makuc came in to answer any questions about the Community Center’s proposed budget which proposes 9 additional hours for the paid staff, up from 5.  A motion was made to approve the additional hours which was seconded and unanimously approved.
  2. A motion was made to release the final report issued from the Collins Center on town hall operations.  The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 1 with Steve voting no.  The report will be on the town website on the selectman’s page.
  3. Mail was reviewed

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 7:02pm

Submitted by:

Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant

Approved by:

Monterey Select Board


cc: Website (

Select Board Members

Minutes Book

Town Clerk


Any documents referred to in the minutes are available by request at town hall.