Select Board Meeting Minutes 3/9/22 - 5pm

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Meeting date: 
Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Minutes of the meeting of 3/9/22

Meeting Opened at: 5pm

Select Board Members Present: Steve Weisz, Chair, Justin Makuc

Select Board Members absent: John Weingold

Finance Committee Members Present: Jon Sylbert

Finance Committee Members Present Remotely: Michele Miller, Chair

Finance Committee Members absent: Katrina Fitzpatrick

Also present: Don Coburn, Gareth Backhaus, Jim Hunt

Also present remotely: Mickey Jervas, Brian Fahey, Ellen Coburn, Peter Chait

  1. Review of budget proposals
    1. F550 truck request: Jim explained why in his opinion it is not a wise decision to hold off a year on replacing the 2014 F550.  Currently two years out instead of the usual one. Jon S. feels that we do not have enough manpower to use all the trucks; Jim confirmed we have 5 plow trucks and 5 highway members.  Jim reported that the 2014 F550 has seen $5,200 in repairs since November of 2021 (mostly due to corrosion).  Michele suggested that we stick with the capital plan as it has been designed, and after town meeting consider making adjustments if need be.  Jon requested that Jim stay for the discussion on how to pay for the truck.  Steve recommended accepting the proposal to replace the F550 as per the capital plan.  The Finance Committee made a motion to accept the proposal to purchase a new F550 to replace the 2014.  The motion was seconded and approved 2-0.  The Select Board made a motion to accept the proposal to purchase a new F550 to replace the 2014.  The motion was seconded and approved 2-0.
    2. Chief Backhaus was present to answer questions relative to the staffing proposal for FY23.  The impact to the budget and the estimated impact for FY24 was discussed approximately $5k as the part time expenses will go down to about $37k. The Chief explained that going forward the pool of part timers will become close to extinct.  Monterey wants to get ahead of the curve and secure a part time officer. The Chief said we have some great part timers right now and we’d like to offer them the positions first. The officers currently working in Monterey are familiar with the town, etc and we should jump on this. All the local departments will be competing against each other and most surrounding towns are looking to add a minimum of one more full time officer.  Jon acknowledged that the Chief would be the “expert” and made a motion to support the proposal.  The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 0 by the Finance Committee.  The Select Board also made a motion to support the proposal.  The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 0.  Justin asked the Chief to confirm that Monterey is paying for our part time officer’s bridge training; we are.
  2. A motion was made by the Finance Committee to accept the Director of Operation’s recommendation to raise the foreman hourly rate effective immediately to $27.33 and use this rate for FY23 as well, pay highway 2 $24.20 an hour and raise to $24.50 after a successful 3 month evaluation, offer highway 3 COLA for FY23 and raise highway 4 to $20.50/hr once licenses have been secured and use this rate for FY23.  The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 0.  A motion was made by the Select Board to accept the Director of Operations recommendation to raise the foreman hourly rate effective immediately to $27.33 and use this rate for FY23 as well, pay highway 2 $24.20 an hour and raise to $24.50 after a successful 3 month evaluation, offer highway 3 COLA for FY23 and raise highway 4 to $20.50/hr once licenses have been secured and use this rate for FY23.  The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 0. Mickey Jervas expressed concern because we are hiring new people, they are coming on with (in her opinion) very high salaries and that should be taken into consideration. Mickey feels that new employees should be started lower than experienced employees that they are replacing and work their way up the pay scale.
  3. Cost of Living Adjustment: The Select Board has voted to recommend giving 4% COLA.  Michele recommends giving 3.5%.  Jon doesn’t have any understanding as to why we are doing it this way and feels there is simply no basis for any number.  Jon argued that our taxpayers have actually lost income.  Michele said we can’t generalize our taxpayers as they come in many different sizes.  Jon wants a policy and feels these decisions shouldn’t be made without one.  Michele pointed out that our employees are experiencing the same hardships and inflation as everyone.  Steve said that one of the reasons why we are trying to get a HR director is so they can do an analysis and recommend merit based raises.  Jon was not prepared to vote on this tonight, the Finance Committee will table it till the next meeting.  Jon later said he feels that 3.5-4% is too high but would be comfortable with 3% if some employees were omitted (for example the police chief and director of operations).
  4. Town Clerk revised budget.  All were in favor of accepting the revised budget, reflecting the same increased costs for expenses and elections, level funding the Town Clerk’s wages, and increasing Town Clerk staff wages to reflect the increase in minimum wage.
  5. Tree Warden expenses: The existing tree warden has stated he will not be running again and the Steve is recommending level funding the expenses and stipend. Jon suggests that no matter who is in the position we have a plan and we should honor that. Jon believes that the next Tree Warden should be the one to request changes to the department, however he is willing to discuss the tree issue with the Director of Operations.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 5:58pm


Submitted by:

Melissa Noe, Town Administrator

Approved by:

Monterey Select Board


cc: Website (

Select Board Members

Minutes Book

Town Clerk


Any documents used in the meeting are listed below and are available by request at town hall.

  1. Draft FY23 budget
  2. Capital plan
  3. March 3 Wage Proposal for Highway Department