Select Board Meeting Minutes 4/26/23

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Minutes of the Select Board meeting 4/26/23

Meeting Date: Wednesday April 26, 2023

Meeting Opened at 6:01 pm

Select Board members present: Justin Makuc, Chair, Susan Cooper

Select Board members absent: Scott Jenssen

Also Present: Laurie McArthur (Select Board secretary), Mickey Jervas

Call to Order 6:01pm

  1. Approve part time holiday pay policy

Susan reported that Scott and she had agreed on this in principle, as well as the sick pay policy, but had not officially voted on the wording and that this is in the budget, however there was not a quorum to vote on this item as Justin is recusing himself due to foreseeable financial impact on immediate family members. 

  1. Approve part time sick pay policy

There was not a quorum to vote on this item as Justin is recusing himself due to foreseeable financial impact on immediate family members.

  1. Town Administrator items:
    1. Open Space and Recreation Plan Proposal from Berkshire Regional Planning Commission

Melissa reported that this is BRPC’s proposal which would start July 1, 2023, and it will take 8-10 months to complete.  Susan clarified that this would qualify the town for multiple grants.  The Town will be responsible for $3,000, and the Small Communities Grant Program will pay $12,000.  Justin made a motion to accept the Open Space and Recreation Plan proposal from BRPC.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote: Justin-yes, Susan-yes. 

  1. Hupi Rd contract amendment with Berkshire Regional Planning Commission

Justin mentioned that the completion date is quickly approaching.  Melissa reported that this is the contract that outlines the date, and that the money will be payable to BRPC.  Justin moved to approve the contract amendment for the BRPC 319 grant.  Call a vote:  Justin-yes, Susan-yes. 

  1. Unanticipated business

Susan recommended discussing priorities when the new Select Board member comes on board.  Justin concurred with this idea. 

Susan discussed the size of the Annual Town Meeting Warrant, and said that some issues are serious enough where one meeting may not allow enough time for adequate discussion.  Susan will write something for the June Monterey News to gather Community input.  If there are issues that warrant enough attention then it may be beneficial to have a regularly scheduled second Town Meeting, possibly in November.  Justin agreed that this may be helpful, particularly for significant non-money items.  Justin said that some towns discuss finances in the spring and bylaws in the fall, which may be an option.  He discussed his preference for the first Saturday in November in order to maintain regularity. 

Susan agreed with Melissa’s suggestion of increasing the IT expenses line item budget to $10,000.  She said that it sounded like the group option may significantly bring the overall cost down.  Justin said he was in support of increasing the IT expenses budget.  Melissa will provide numbers on this topic.  She is currently working with BRPC and several towns regarding a possible shared IT person.  Melissa reported that the Endpoint software was expensive and said that the representative suggested bumping the budget by $5,000 to $10,000.

Susan inquired about a site license for a certain number of computers vs individually purchasing site licenses.   Melissa said that she will have a better figure after Town Meeting.  Melissa suggested increasing the budget to $10,000.  Justin said he was in favor of the cyber security. 

Justin circled back to the potential addition of a second regularly scheduled Town Meeting, and said he was in favor of entertaining a bi-annual scheduled Town Meeting.  He said that if there were no changes at that time, then they would not have to hold a meeting.  The Select Board agreed upon the regularity of the meetings. 

  1. Comments & questions from the public

There were no comments or questions from the public.

  1. Approve minutes of 4/4/23, 4/12/23, and 4/20/23

The Select Board reviewed the minutes from 4/4/23.  Justin made a motion to approve the minutes as amended from 4/4/23.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote: Justin-yes, Susan-yes. 

The Select Board reviewed the minutes from 4/12/23.  Justin made a motion to approve the minutes as amended from 4/12/23.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote: Justin-yes, Susan-yes. 

The Select Board reviewed the minutes from 4/20/23.  Justin made a motion to approve the minutes as amended from 4/20/23.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote: Justin-yes, Susan-yes. 

Justin made a motion to adjourn the Select Board meeting.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote:  Susan-yes, Justin-yes.  Meeting adjourned at 6:47pm.

Documents used at the Meeting

  1. Open Space and Recreation Plan Proposal from Berkshire Regional Planning Commission
  2. Hupi Rd contract amendment with Berkshire Regional Planning Commission.