Select Board Meeting Minutes 5/6/2020

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Minutes of the meeting of 5/6/20

Meeting Opened at: 9am

Select Board Members Present: Kenneth Basler, Chair, Donald Coburn, Steven Weisz

Also in attendance: George Cain, Shawn Tryon

The following items were discussed:

  1. COVID-19 updates/items:
    1. Memorial Day parade: Kenn will reach back out to Mary Makuc to see where the group is and to get guidance from the Memorial Day committee.  A motion was made to at the very least order the big wreath for the veteran’s park.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
    2. Governor’s mask/face covering order: The transfer station attendants have expressed reluctance to wear masks.  Discussion ensued about whether the attendants are able to maintain a distance of 6 feet or more; Steve and Kenn felt strongly that they could not and therefore should be wearing masks.  A motion was made to require all employees to wear masks if they are dealing directly with the public.  The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 1 with Don voting no because he thought keeping 6 feet was doable for the transfer station employees.
    3. Fire Department coverage adjustments/COVID precautions: Chief Tryon reported that the duty shift program has been temporarily shut down since the COVID pandemic began.  The Fire Department has since come up with an adjustment to the program which would limit exposure while still maintaining a proper and effective emergency force.  This modification involves adjusting the current pay schedule to pay for 2 firefighters on call overnight at the station 7 nights a week at $100/night and one chief on call from home at $40/night beginning Monday, May 11th through June 30.  Shawn reported that there is enough money in the budget to accommodate this shift for the remainder of this fiscal year.  A motion was made to approve this program/pay change to adequately address a response to COVID-19 to limit exposure and maintain an adequate emergency service beginning Monday, May 11, 2020.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
    4. Shawn Tryon also made the Board aware of a new online training program they would like to institute to limit exposure and maintain a properly and continually trained force during this COVID-19 pandemic.  The cost is $89/per person for 13 months ($2,040).  We believe this will be an approved expenditure that we can apply for 75% reimbursement for through FEMA/MEMA.  A motion was made to approve the new online training program to limit exposure and maintain a properly trained force during this COVID-19 pandemic.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
    5. Steak roast update: Shawn reported that the fire company will not be able to have a mass gathering but they are currently brainstorming other options that may be available including a takeout option or changing the date.  Shawn will keep the Board updated.
    6. Kenn reported that he will be talking with Shawn Tryon and Chris Tryon about possibilities of rolling this new program into the COVID precautions and funding that is going to be available through state and federal grants.  The Board supported this action.
    7. M. Noe asked for guidance for the Police Department on how to address folks that disregard the closed signs at the beach, playground, basketball court and baseball field.  A motion was made to lock the basketball court.  The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 1 with Kenn voting no.
    8. Steve asked about removing the picnic tables (or moving them farther apart) from the beach which is currently closed to deter gatherings, especially now that the weather is getting nicer.  A motion was made to have the tables moved 10 feet from each other.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
    9. Guidance on addressing folks that disregard the closed orders at the beach, playground and ballfield:  The police dept will be asked to limit any necessary involvement to education first, not punitive when at all possible.  The Police Chief will be asked to attend the next meeting to discuss further.  A motion was made to instruct the Chief to follow the Governor’s orders with regard to addressing any disregard to social distancing or masks.  The motion was seconded and approved 2 – 1 with Kenn voting no.
  2. At the request of the Cultural Council a motion was made to appoint Dorene Beller.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  3. FY21 budget and warrant:
    1. Discussion ensued about the revised budget, the suggested edits from the Finance Committee to the special articles, opinions from the Department of Revenue as to who prepares/presents the warrant and copies of the relevant sections of MGL and the selectman’s handbook as to who prepares the warrant.  Further discussion and any decision will be tabled to the next meeting since some of the information was just received today.
    2. The Board discussed with Shawn what kind of issues we may encounter if we are unable to hold a town meeting prior to June 30th and how that may affect highway operations if we are unable to purchase the trucks proposed.  He said we could get by if we had to.
    3. The Board discussed Don’s proposal to add an article to amend the town’s current bylaw (Article II, Section 3. Finance Committee).  A motion was made to include draft article #17 which reads, To see if the Town will amend By-Law Article II, Section 3, Finance Committee, by adding after the last word of the present by-law the following: except that the Select Board, with the participation of the Finance Committee at all stages of the budgetary process, shall be responsible for the preparation of the proposed budget and for its submission to the town meeting.  Any differences between the boards on budget items shall be noted in the warrant.  The motion was not seconded and it was suggested to table this until the next meeting; which all agreed to.
    4. The Board agreed to fix a typographical error in an article that is required to be on the annual town meeting per our town bylaws.
    5. Don asked Melissa to find out why the article to lower the tax levy is written that the Assessors or the department directed to do this.
  4. Town Administrator: A motion was made to table the discussion to a further meeting to allow the Board a chance to fully review Kenn’s proposal for hiring an interim Town Administrator.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  5. Minutes of 4/29 with the requested amendment to Don’s amendment & 4/30 were approved.
  6. Chestnut Hill Cell Tower:  Steve reported that it should be noted that the tower is not sitting on the originally proposed location due to a resident that threatened a lawsuit.  Additionally there is something called band 14 which is part of AT&T’s first responder program.  AT&T is still configuring that and this may or may not be what is affecting the low signal that non first responders are experiencing.  Steve will continue to reach out to AT&T to address this issue.
  7. Don expressed concern about the renewal notice that went out electronically to those folks that purchased their transfer stickers online last year.  The items that were confusing were discussed and corrections will be made prior to the hard copy letter going out.  And the revised notice will be emailed to the prior recipients.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 10:35am


Submitted by:

Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant

Approved by:

Monterey Select Board


cc: Website (

Select Board Members

Minutes Book

Town Clerk


Any documents referred to in the minutes are available by request at town hall.