Select Board Meeting Minutes 7/10/19

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Minutes of the meeting of 7/10/19

Meeting Opened at: 9am

Select Board Members Present: Kenneth Basler, Chairperson, Donald Coburn and Steven Weisz

Also in attendance: Ben Krupka, John Szablowski, George Cain, Bettina Schwartz, Shawn Tryon

Miscellaneous Items Reviewed:

  1. Broadband update; Don is still waiting on the financial information requested.  Kenn reported that Fiber Connect is actively working with MBI.  We are hoping to have more information by the end of the month.
  2. Don Coburn explained his suggested proposal to enact a 2 year moratorium/bylaw on trailers, motorhomes, and trailer or motor home parks.  Don stated that trailer parks are currently expressly excluded in our bylaws.  Town Counsel has advised both parties should consider a joint filing requesting an opinion from land court.  Hume currently has an application before the Planning Board for a family camp with 12 temporary trailer.  Bettina Schwartz, neighbor expressed concerns about an increase in traffic and noise. John addressed this and laid out all of the changes Hume has made to reduce loud activities away from Cronk Rd and other neighbors.  Kenn and Steve doe not see the need for the proposed moratorium and suggested that instead we need clarity from land court and the impacts of the Dover amendment.  Don made a motion to adopt the proposed 2 year moratorium he drafted and marked as exhibit A which he requested be attached to the minutes.  The motion did not receive a second and therefore failed.
  3. The Board discussed the need to have an official policy/statement regarding employees returning to work after an injury and whether light duty is allowed.  Our insurer has advised only allowing employees to return to work if their doctor has provided a note saying that they are 100%.  A policy will be drafted for approval next week.
  4. VW grant proposal: The Board inquired if there is any vehicles in our highway fleet that would meet the grant specifications from round 1 (round 2’s have not yet been released).  Shawn stated that there is one (the 2004 Osh Kosh).  Shawn’s future plans are to go to one larger truck and a small plow truck and get rid of the Osh Kosh and Kenworth.  It was agreed that Shawn will get more information to determine if the grant would be beneficial to Monterey for round 2 prior to Terry spending any time on this.
  5. AFG grant to replace fire department air packs.  The Board suggested that Shawn provide all the information to Terry about the grant so she can present a proposal to the Board for approval.
  6. Bidwell Rd:  Steve recused himself from the conversation as he is a resident of Bidwell Rd.  Shawn reminded the Board that last year it was approved to have the west side surveyed but he had yet to schedule it.  There is a resident on the road that is continuing to encroach into the road with 18” logs essentially creating a “fence” that is obstructing traffic and preventing access for emergency vehicles.  Kenn made a motion to have the highway department engage an engineer to survey from RT23 to Bidwell Rd to determine the road width to address the situation with the property owner.  Discussion ensued.  The motion was seconded by Don and approved.
  7. Transfer station: Kenn expressed concern about the contents of the swap shack and the amount of items that seem to be increasing and encroaching further out into the parking area.  Shawn will speak with the attendants.
  8. Warrants were signed.
  9. Mail was reviewed which included Kay Purcell’s letter declining the appointments to the Memorial Day Parade Committee and Historical Commission.

The Board discussed the need to go into Executive Session to discuss litigation strategy.  Roll call was taken by the Chair. Chair, Kenn Basler, Donald Coburn, Steve Weisz and Finance Committee Chair, George Cain were present. A motion was made by to go into executive session, seconded, and approved. The Board agreed they will not return to open session.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 10:50am


Submitted by:

Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant

Approved by:

Monterey Select Board


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Select Board Members

Minutes Book

Town Clerk