Select Board Meeting Minutes 7/13/21

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Minutes of the meeting of 7/13/21

Meeting Opened at: 9am

Select Board Members Present: Steve Weisz, Chair, John Weingold

Also present: Susan Cooper, Mickey Jervas

Items discussed:

  1. Internal transfers approved:
    1. $23.86 from library wages to library general
    2. $9.37 from library wages to library maintenance
    3. $38.05 from temporary employee to community center administrative staff.
    4. $31.46 from fire department compensation to fire inspector
    5. $1214.70 from town admin salary to CART
    6. $283.06 from town admin salary to lifeguards
    7. $210.37 from select board expenses to community center revolving
  2. The Board discussed and reviewed the following disclosures submitted by Justin Makuc at the recommendation of the Ethics Commission:
    1. Disclosure by special municipal employee of financial interest in a municipal contract as required by MGL Chapter 268A §20(d) which allows Justin to continue to be paid by as a fireman and selectman.  Discussion ensued.  John did not feel that this fell under the jurisdiction of the Select Board and thought counsel should give a legal opinion (this is not required as the directive came directly from the State Ethics Commission).  The Board accepted this filing, signed it and will provide a copy to the Clerk’s office as directed on the form.
    2. Disclosure of appearance of conflict of interest as required by MGL Chapter 268A §23(b)(3).  John recognized that this was received and appropriately and adequately filed by Justin.
  3. Public Comments:
    1. Mickey Jervas expressed her disappointment in the way the town is operating of late, specifically with a change Justin recommended that came at the suggestion of a former selectperson and was then chastised by John which in her opinion showed narrow mindedness.  She told John that he was hired/elected for this job, to do the job.  This means being at every meeting and being considerate of the job you were elected to do and you need to be here physically despite who you may not like.  She also expressed concern about the constant request of John to go to counsel, she suggested solving your own problems first and avoid paying huge attorney bills because he can’t solve his own problems.  A non-operating selectman is not fair to the town.  Steve said he agrees 100%.  Susan Cooper requested a transcript of this meeting if possible, specifically Mickey’s comments. John does not feel personally or morally that someone should try to influence an elected official and specifically tell them how to do things.  He said that selectman should not be listening to outside sources and putting “their ideas” on the agenda unless those sources attend the meetings and voice it there.  John was adamant that there were people telling Justin how to vote and he was following these instructions despite Mickey, Susan and Steve’s arguments to the contrary that people can express their opinions but no one can make anyone vote a particular way as we are all adults.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 9:45am


Submitted by:

Melissa Noe, Town Administrator via recording

Approved by:

Monterey Select Board


cc: Website (

Select Board Members

Minutes Book

Town Clerk


Any documents used in the meeting are listed below and are available by request at town hall.

  1. Internal transfers
  2. J. Makuc conflict of interest disclosures