Select Board Meeting Minutes 7/18/23

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Minutes of the Select Board meeting 7/18/23

Meeting Date: Wednesday July 18, 2023

Meeting Opened at 6:00 pm

Select Board members present: Justin Makuc, chair; Susan Cooper, Frank Abbott

Also Present: Melissa Noe (Town Administrator), John Shannon, Jason Levito, Joe Smith

Call to Order 6:00 pm

1. Interview IT services candidates:

a. 6:00pm: Whalley Computer Services

Frank discussed the current infrastructure.  Jason Levito reported that the current proposal would support the server that is currently in the Town Hall.  Melissa said that the current server is housing the Assessors software and the Tax Collectors software, and everything else currently goes to the cloud.  Jason explained the difference between public cloud usage and private cloud usage.  He said that they partner with a group and the options would be to have a server on site or to use a server that is stored at the partner location.  Frank inquired about the onboarding fee of $10,000.  Jason said that this includes the initial setup of the network and the networking equipment, and then there would be a monthly fee of $2,390 for all computing services and maintenance.  Melissa reported that there were 14 computers in the building that would be on this new network.  Susan inquired about managed server, network as a service, and managed network as a service base.  Jason said that the managed server is the server that is currently at the Town Hall which has a Microsoft version that is no longer supported and would need to be replaced.  The network as a service is equipment required to bring it current and would require monthly management. 


Jason said that he is manager and has been with the company for the past six years.  Jason provided a brief overview of Whalley Computer Services.  Joe Smith is a sales account executive with Whalley Computers and has been with the company for approximately 8 months.  Justin inquired about Jason’s experience working with Towns and Municipalities.  Jason reported that approximately 70 percent of Whalley’s current accounts were with Municipalities, public schools, and other public entities, and most of the staff he works with are from Western Massachusetts.  Joe reported that leasing the equipment would occur through a third-party company or the Town could purchase the equipment outright to avoid such costs.  Frank asked if all town employees are working with the same software.  Melissa confirmed that each department is responsible for adding their own Microsoft software so some may or may not be up to date.  Frank stressed the need for everyone to have current software to remain current with security features.  Justin clarified that Whalley would be able to assist with upgrading everything.  Jason explained options for night and weekend technical support.  Frank inquired about the antivirus software used.  Jason said that the company uses an XDR software for extended protection on the desktop and server.  Melissa asked how familiar they were with the requirements needed to be able to meet the liability insurance.  Jason said that he has helped other Towns meet the insurance requirements or come up with a plan to do so.  Jason said that anything that was publicly facing on the internet would be protected. 

b. 6:20pm: CSS Ventures, Inc

John Shannon with CSS Ventures, Inc. introduced himself.  He said they have been in business for 29 years.  Justin asked about the percentage of CSS’s work with municipalities.  John said that approximately 50 percent of their work is with municipalities and the majority are in the southern Berkshires. John explained that he currently handles the Monterey Police Department’s computer needs including their server, which was recently upgraded.  He further noted that they may be transitioning to storing their data with the County.  John said that the initial proposal only included the yearly service contract fee to manage the system.  Frank inquired about updates.  John explained recommended updates for the Town Hall. 

Susan asked it would be recommended that the current physical server be replaced.  John said that if the Town had not already gone as far as the cloud, he would recommend keeping a physical server and a cloud back-up.  However, since the Town has already progressed into the cloud, he would recommend fully moving to a cloud server.  John explained monthly costs associated with upgrading Microsoft Office.  Justin inquired about the structure of the company.  John shared his work history and discussed options for being able to access the servers during off hours.  Justin asked if the Town would own or rent the equipment.  John said that typically they have the Town purchase the required hardware and discussed options for replacement.  John discussed the fees if they opted to obtain a new file server vs just paying monthly fees to Microsoft.  Susan inquired about the quote for the local backup software/hardware, to which John shared that this quote was for keeping everything as is.  John said that if they maintained the current server, they would place monitoring software on the server and the computers, and the fees would include the network server contract and backup to the cloud.  John discussed options for backing up the computers and recommended that individuals not save files to their desktop.  Justin inquired about multi-factor authentication, and John said that they are currently transitioning to this method and currently use duo.  Frank clarified recommended updates. 

Melissa said that she had the current IT service provider at Town Hall on Friday to complete some cleanup work on the computers and said that they need to decide if they want a server.  Tom also recommended moving forward with putting everything on the cloud and informed her that video storage from the Select Board meetings is placing them into a different category.  One option would be to stop storing them on Melissa’s computer and only store them on YouTube, and another option would be to store them on an external drive.  Melissa said that in her conversation with Tom Roy, he offered to stay on for a little bit to assist until a new company was decided upon.  Frank presented potential options that may need work and what the Town wants to have completed.  Frank explained the importance of determining a cycle to update the computers.  Susan suggested obtaining a proposal from Shannon outlining what the Town wants and needs.  Justin said that there was a quote for placing the Assessing software onto the cloud but said that the Assessors would like to remain with the current server through the winter.  Frank suggested listing the different components they would like and identify the priorities and what they would like the companies to bid on.  Frank will work with Melissa to identify the components and needs from the vendors and will share the information next week. 

2. Special event permit application: Steak Roast

3. Special event permit application: Dancing Greens Farms

Justin made a motion to approve the Special event permit applications for the Steak Roast and for Dancing Greens Farms. Call a vote:  Susan-yes, Frank-yes, Justin-yes.   

4. Amended agreement with Beacon Integrated Solutions for solar photovoltaic consulting

Justin said that they had signed the META grant funds and had placed an informal pause on the Fire Company buildings due to uncertainty about whether the Fire Company was interested in proceeding.  Justin said that since that meeting, the Fire Company voted that they were willing to entertain options in regard to placing solar panels on the roof and would like some additional information prior to making a decision. 

Justin moved to approve the amended and restated agreement from Beacon to look at the two Fire Company buildings with the ARPA funds.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote:  Susan-yes, Frank-yes, Justin-yes.   

Melissa clarified that she would accept all changes through the tracked document listed in the amended contract. 

5. Draft contract with Southern Berkshire Ambulance

Justin sent this to Donna last week and just received it back.  Melissa reported that Shawn would like to review the contract prior to it being sent to Southern Berkshire.  Justin discussed the comments and feedback received back.  Justin said that he was still looking into when other Towns pay for services received by Southern Berkshire.  Justin said that other towns pay Southern Berkshire to come mutual aid to their town and inquired about payment when other towns come mutual aid to Monterey for an ambulance call.  The Select Board discussed potential options for auditing, and Frank discussed concerns for associated costs.  Justin will clarify the requirements between the quarterly report and the financial report.  Justin suggested having a discussion with Southern Berkshire regarding what they aim to provide, and suggested Shawn weigh in on this conversation as well. 

6. Draft capital planning policy

Frank reported that he met with the Finance Committee last week and they said that they wanted to continue to discuss it and would not be meeting for another week.  This will be tabled for the time being. 

7. Town Administrator items:

a. Special article carry forwards

Justin said his only comment was regarding the storm damage account.  He said he thought the account was specifically for the storm damage at Bidwell Park.  Justin said he did not believe they should carry forward the $6,807.  Melissa said she did not believe Jim was done with the work, which was why the item was still listed.  Justin inquired about why items that were transferred to a specific operating budget line tied to a fiscal year are ending up as though they were a special article in the accounting.  Frank discussed how the financials were listed independently on the warrants.  Melissa said that she will ask during her meeting tomorrow with the Accountant about why the items were listed that way. 

8. Fire Company lease renewal

Justin recused himself.  Frank said that he spoke with Chris from Town Counsel today.  Frank reported that he went through the last three years of Warrants and reported that we can use the Warrant funds to do work but are unable to do this until we publish a notice in the central register prior to entering into a new lease.  Frank said it was recommended to have a five-year lease.  Frank explained the requirements of the lease.  Melissa will pose the question to the state office.  Frank read the questions he asked during the meeting and reported that he was informed of what needed to be listed separately.  Susan clarified that if the Town was contributing money to the improvements, then those improvements must meet the guidelines outlined by the Town. 

9. Unanticipated business

Justin reported that Peter reached out regarding the landfill, and they will discuss this at a future meeting.  Susan asked if Linda had submitted payment information for landscaping services at the cemetery in time for the close of FY23, and Melissa reported that the information was submitted.  Susan asked Frank if he received anything back from Mary regarding landscaping services at the Community Center.  Frank reported that Mary was going to send him a draft document that he would review for her so she could send it to Gary. 

10. Comments & questions from the public

There were no comments or questions from the public. 

11. Approve minutes of 7/11/23

The Select Board reviewed the minutes from 7/11/23.  Justin moved to approve the amended minutes from 7/11/23.  Frank seconded.  Call a vote:  Susan-yes, Frank-yes, Justin-yes.   

Justin moved to adjourn the Select Board meeting.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote.  Call a vote:  Susan-yes, Frank-yes, Justin-yes.   Meeting adjourned at 7:56pm.

Documents used at the meeting:

  1. IT service proposals
  2. Signed amended and restated agreement with Beacon Integrated Solutions
  3. Draft contract with Southern Berkshire Ambulance
  4. Special event permit application: Steak Roast
  5. Special event permit application: Dancing Greens Farms
  6. Signed special article carry forwards form