Select Board Meeting Minutes 7/20/22

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Meeting date: 
Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Minutes of the meeting of 7/20/22

Meeting Opened at: 6pm

Select Board Members Present: Justin Makuc, Chair and Susan Cooper

Also present: Sophia Bletsos, Gerry Clarin, Mickey Jervas, Ira Transport, Tom Mensi

Also present remotely: Don Coburn

6:00 pm: Meet with Sophia Bletsos, Human Resource (HR) Director

  1. The Board discussed with Sophia the best way to contact her. Sophia said that in an emergency the fastest way would be to call her work cell phone. Sophia suggested that since the HR function is new there is likely to be a gray area and not all questions will end up being HR related. Sophia said that employees should go to their department heads first and the department head will then consult with her, of course in an emergency or sensitive matter they may contact her directly. She plans to be in town hall one day a week. Sophia suggested having a standing monthly meeting with the Board to go over policy creation/amendments.
  2. Vacant select board secretary: Sophia went over her typical recruitment process.
  3. Handbook: Sophia suggested proceeding with the revision section by section, incorporating Human Resources and Select Board input, and then adopting the document as a whole once it is complete and reviewed by Counsel.
  4. Review time off request policy and make up time policy: Susan suggested that since this has come up multiple times of late it should be one of the first sections addressed. Sophia agreed. Susan felt the most recent issue that came up made her feel uncomfortable as the employee did not follow the procedure for asking for time off and then also wanted to make up time which we currently do not allow. Sophia explained that depending on how ambiguous the policy is, the employee can be held accountable as they did not follow the policy. Susan responded that the Board signed off on the request.
  5. Sophia asked permission to contact counsel on the two issues she was asked to follow up on; timesheets submitted with incorrect hours and office hours for the town clerk.  The Board granted permission.
  6. Sexual harassment draft updated policy: Sophia’s only amendment was to add her cell number.  A motion was made to adopt the policy as amended.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

7:00 pm: The Board met with Gerry Clarin and Tom Mensi of the Parks Commission to discuss maintenance of the Greene Park ball field. The Board’s general understanding is that the grass is growing in on the dirt paths and the field needs substantial renovation. Ira Transport explained that the Sunday morning pickup game has been occurring for over 30 years from mid-May to mid-October. Ira feels the field has been neglected, and he finds disgraceful. Ira sought a quote from Dave Duquette, owner of a sports academy up north, to address the issues which came in at $6,000-8,000. Ira stated that after the job is complete, the Sunday crew will help maintain it. Gerry said the Parks Commission does not have the money right now as they are facing multiple issues and other items to which they have already committed. Justin explained that if the Parks Commission does not have the monies, then additional spending would require Town Meeting approval and appropriation. The Parks Commission is elected and they have jurisdiction over their budget and how they choose to spend it, it is out of the Board’s hands. Susan commented that this ballfield has been an issue for years and asked the Parks Commission why they did not budget for it for FY23. Tom Mensi explained that most of the members are new and are just becoming familiar with all of the items that need to be taken care of. Tom also spoke with Jim Hunt who let the Parks Commission know that the highway department is not equipped to help out. Mickey suggested that if it is going to cost $8,000 to clean up the new storm damage at Bidwell Park, then the town should look for a way to find emergency funds to pay for that, and then the Parks Commission should then use those monies to fix the ballfield.  The tree damage issue will be taken up at next week’s meeting.  The Board also stated that the Parks Commission should make sure to budget going forward to perform regular maintenance of the ballfield.

  1. A motion was made to approve and adopt the amended Town Counsel contact policy and form. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  2. The Board agreed to hold Select Board office hours for an hour on a Saturday each month.  Justin will start this Saturday and Susan will do the 2nd Saturday of each month beginning in September. Justin asked Melissa to add it to the town website.
  3. A motion was made to accept and sign the Treasurer contract for services for FY23.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  4. A motion was made to grant the Special Event Permit request for the Bidwell House contingent upon receiving the TIPs and insurance certificates required.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  5. A motion was made to grant the Special Event Permit request for the Fire Company annual steak roast contingent upon receiving the insurance certificate required. Justin disclosed that he is a member of the fire company, but he does not see this decision impacting his financial status positively or negatively.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  6. A motion was made to accept and sign the Southern Berkshire Ambulance Service Sub Grant Recipient Agreement to formally expend the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  7. Review mail & correspondence received or to be sent:
    1. Laurie Shaw 7/14/22 email: Justin and Susan both responded individually confirming that all ARPA requests will be reviewed after the October deadline which is clearly stated on the website, as well as on the form.
    2. The Board reviewed the answers from the Treasurer and Tax Title attorney regarding the Lupiani property. This will be added to next week’s agenda to vote on whether to put it out to auction or sell it back to the Lupiani family.
    3. The Board acknowledged that Katrina Fitzpatrick has resigned from the Finance Committee and will discuss this further next week.
  8. Justin let Susan know that he has reached out to both candidates that applied for the Select Board Secretary position, one is willing to come in at noon on August 3rd but did tell Justin she is not available to work evenings. The Board felt that her availability would not be compatible with the job description. Justin will inform her that this is not a good fit for her schedule. The other candidate has not yet responded back.
  9. Susan reported that she reached out to both Frank Abbott and Michele Miller to gauge their interest in serving on the 8 town Regional School District Committee and reported that neither one is willing to serve.
  10. A motion was made to approve the amended minutes of 7/13/22.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  11. Justin completed a request to contact counsel form and was granted permission to contact Attorney Brewer regarding the attachments and release of the executive session minutes of 10/4/21, 11/4/21 and 11/17/21.
  12. Comments & questions from the public: none

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 8pm


Submitted by:

Melissa Noe, Town Administrator

Approved by:

Monterey Select Board


cc: Website (

Select Board Members

Minutes Book

Town Clerk


Any documents used in the meeting are listed below and are available by request at town hall.

  1. Sexual harassment draft updated policy
  2. Town counsel contact form and policy
  3. Select Board office hours
  4. Treasurer contract
  5. Southern Berkshire Ambulance Service Sub Grant Recipient Agreement
  6. Laurie Shaw 7/14/22 American Rescue Plan Act funds application
  7. Response to tax title property legal questions
  8. Justin’s request to contact counsel