Select Board Meeting Minutes 7/29/2020

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Minutes of the meeting of 7/29/20

Meeting Opened at: 10am

Select Board Members Present: Donald Coburn, Chair, Steven Weisz and John Weingold (remotely)

Also present remotely: Peter Chait, Kenn Basler, Ellen Coburn, Rebecca Wolin

Don took a roll call.  Selectmen present are Don Coburn, Steve Weisz and participating remotely, John Weingold

Steve summarized that the reason he called this extra meeting was to discuss how to work together effectively as a board.  Steve also explained that there are certain functions of the Board that need to take place in person in town hall (such as signing warrant, reviewing the mail, etc).

Steve presented a draft copy entitled “Notes on Select Board Job Description” (created by a previous board) as well as an additional 3 items on what new members should do.

John stated that these were all very good suggestions and suggested having a Select Board meeting with each department head.  He does not think meeting individually outside of a public meeting is a good idea but will consider it.

Don asked what John’s intentions were with regard to reviewing the mail and signing the warrants.  John said that he cannot come into town hall as he works.  Don and Steve stressed that part of the job of being a selectperson requires coming into town hall, looking at the originals of items and speaking to department heads.

Discussion ensued about John’s open meeting law complaints and whether he was going to withdraw them.  John stressed that these are not personal complaints, he just wants the Board to follow the laws (which both Don and Steve reported are being followed).  John stated that he will not approve the minutes as they are not accurate because they do not include all discussions of members and guests.  Steve explained that previous boards decided long ago to make the minutes more succinct and to remove all of the “he said she said”.  John also wants to see the meetings recorded on audio again and retained for 90 days; Don and Steve did not see a reason for it at the moment as they have felt that the minutes have been accurate, however Don asked John if he’d care to make a motion regarding that.

John made a motion to record all select board meetings and keep them for 90 days.  The motion was seconded and approved via roll call unanimously.  Don yes. Steve yes.  John yes.

John also felt that meeting once a week would be more productive.  Discussion did not ensue.

Discussion ensued about the draft contract between Fiber Connect and the Town that Don Coburn was appointed as the point person.

John asked if anyone was looking at the chat comments; at this time Don began to read each and every one of them and respond to each of them individually.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 11:06am

Submitted by:

Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant

Approved by:

Monterey Select Board


cc: Website (

Select Board Members

Minutes Book

Town Clerk


Any documents used in the meeting are listed below and are available by request at town hall.

  1. Draft notes on Select Board job description
  2. New members on Select Board draft