Select Board Meeting Minutes 7/5/23

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Minutes of the Select Board meeting 7/5/23
Meeting Date: Wednesday July 5, 2023
Meeting Opened at 9:00 am
Select Board members present: Justin Makuc, chair; Susan Cooper, Frank Abbott
Also Present: Melissa Noe (Town Administrator), Peter Murkett
Call to Order 9:00 am
1. Finance Committee appointment: Roger MacDonald (through next election)
Justin moved to appoint Roger MacDonald to the Finance Committee until the next election.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote: Justin-yes, Frank-yes, Susan-yes.  
2. Amendments to the Renewable Energy Working Group contracts
Justin reported that Peter followed up with him, and Frank provided an overview of what occurred at the meeting.  Frank reported that the REWG wanted to divide it into the two proposals, separating the META and ARPA projects, but had not heard from the Fire Company at that time.  Frank reported that Gould Farm is looking to add solar to the property next to the old Transfer Station and outlined three options discussed at the REWG meeting. Frank said that the REWG group was discussing the level of participation Gould Farm would have in the project.  
Peter said that they have had discussions with Gould Farm and reported that it was important for the REWG to maintain their decision-making ability regarding the Town property; however, Gould Farm might piggyback off of this and develop solar power at the gravel pit.  He pointed out that if Gould Farm and the Town were both to proceed, the combined capacity would make the installation of three phase power a more reasonable investment. The proposal is for the META grant to fund looking at solar power options for the salt shed, the town shed, and the capped landfill.  
Melissa shared feedback she received from the Fire Company along with concerns regarding a recent fire they had to put as a result of solar panels.  Peter commented on the situation and clarified issues and maintenance requirements to ensure safety.  Justin suggested waiting on signing contract amendments related to the Fire Company buildings and ARPA until Fire Company interest in the project is clear.  Peter said that in a previous meeting there was concern that the use of funds would overlap, which would not be acceptable.  Justin suggested moving forward with the META grant plans and looking further into the project with the Fire Company.  The Select Board discussed with Peter having a conversation with the Fire Company where a member of the REWG, Shawn, and the Select Board would discuss concerns regarding installing solar on the roof of the Fire Company and answer any questions to help with increasing confidence of transitioning to Solar.  Justin proposed that they move forward fully with the META grant covering the decommissioned landfill and the two town owned buildings and the highway department.  They will pause on the Fire Company installations until they have a more definitive answer from the Fire Company.  
Peter said that at this time they do not have a signed contract between the Select Board and Beacon to complete the work.  Justin will follow up with Beth and Donna regarding the contract.  
Peter discussed concerns with the Pavilion roof and reported that there is a company that applies a membrane to the rooftop which will correct the issue so solar is able to be installed.  Justin wrote an email to Beth and Donna asking if they were able to create a contract that could be used for the META grant.  Frank agreed to be the point person for connecting with the Fire Company to determine interests.  
3. Draft contract with Southern Berkshire Ambulance
Susan suggested directly reaching out to Southern Berkshire Ambulance to inform them that a contract is needed and ask if they have a draft contract.  Justin asked Melissa to reach out to Southern Berkshire Ambulance to let them know that the money has been approved, but that a contract is needed prior to dispersal.  Justin suggested Melissa request that Southern Berkshire Ambulance’s response time records in case a response time requirement is included in the contract, but to let them know that there would be a clause including exceptions for extenuating circumstances.  Melissa will follow up with Shawn and Berkshire Dispatch to see if they have data on response times.  
4. META Grant Contract
Susan found a version of the META Grant Contract and informed Donna and Beth that the contract was found.  
5. Town Administrator items:
a. End of year transfers
There was a transfer request for $495 from office assistant to legal and $9,000 from snow and ice to the Transfer Station.  Justin made a motion to approve the two identified transfers.  Frank seconded.  Call a vote:  Justin-yes, Susan-yes, Frank-yes.  
6. Fire Company lease renewal
Frank reported that he and Susan made some suggestions and requested to send the document to Counsel for review.  Frank asked about deductibles outlined in the contract, and inquired who he would send this to.  Frank asked about defining a long-term contract and would inquire about this with legal.  
7. Unanticipated business
Frank suggested adding the Capital Policy to the agenda for next meeting.  Justin asked if Frank would like the Select Board or Finance Committee to review it first, and he requested that both review it.  Frank will send the Capital Policy to both boards.  
Susan reported that Ilene did come up with a potential candidate for the Transfer Station Committee and said that there was a meeting next Wednesday regarding paint disposal, which she planned to attend.  
8. Comments & questions from the public
There was no public at the meeting.  
9. Approve minutes of 6/13/23, 6/20/23 and 6/27/23
There were no minutes to review from 6/27/23.  
The Select Board reviewed the minutes from 6/13/23.  Justin made a motion to approve the minutes as amended from 6/13/23.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote:  Susan-yes, Justin-yes, Frank-yes.  
The Select Board reviewed the minutes from 6/20/23.  Susan made a motion to approve the minutes as amended from 6/20/23.  Justin seconded.  Call a vote:  Susan-yes, Justin-yes, Frank-yes.  
Justin will convert the contract for Southern Berkshire into a word document, which will then be sent out.  Melissa with follow up with Southern Berkshire and Shawn regarding the contract.  Justin clarified that Susan sent the META grant contract to Beth and Donna, and Susan confirmed this.  Frank will follow up with a discussion regarding solar with the Fire Company and will send out the information for the Capital Plan.  If there are differences of opinion, both the Finance Committee and Select Board will have a discussion.  
Justin made a motion to adjourn the Select Board meeting.  Frank seconded.  Call a vote.  Justin-yes, Susan-yes, Frank-yes.  Meeting adjourned at 10:11am.  
Documents used at the meeting:
1. End of year transfers
2. Letter submitted by Mickey Jervas