Select Board Meeting Minutes 8/14/21

Meeting date: 
Saturday, August 14, 2021

Minutes of the meeting of 8/14/21

Meeting Opened at: 10am

Select Board Members Present: Steve Weisz, Chair, Justin Makuc

Select Board Members absent: John Weingold

Items discussed:

  1. Speed of water traffic on Lake Garfield/Lake Buel: Discussion ensued about speed of traffic on Lake Garfield.  Steve informed the public that the lake is under the auspices of the state but towns may render local control for safety.  Harbormaster is the Police Chief.  Excessive speed is considered to be reckless boating and should be reported to the police.  Members of the audience brought up that some people are swimming across the lake in the path of boats and they are often not visible.  A member of the public stated swimmers are required to wear bright colored bathing caps or waiters to be seen by boaters by often they do not.  Different uses of the lake was discussed as was presenting rules for the safe use of the lake.
  2. General Store: Steve mentioned that there was an article written by the owner in the Monterey News as to the progress.  Steve referred all questions about its future use to the owner of the store.
  3. Cell Service: Steve reported that both towers are fully functional with service from AT&T and Verizon along the RT23 corridor.
  4. Broadband progress: Steve informed the public that a deal has been reached with Fiber Connect and the Commonwealth to build out 99% of the homes in Monterey.  Questions about specific locations and availability should be directed to Fiber Connect directly.
  5. Transfer Station, Beach and Parks (increased usage): Steve informed the public that roughly twice the amount of people are spending their time in Monterey due to COVID and town facilities are experiencing twice the amount of activity and asked everyone to be patient because of this while we try to address any issues.  Concern was raised about the inadequacy of the number of kayak racks; Steve noted the Parks Commission is aware of this.
  6. Lake Garfield weeds:  Steve mentioned that there is an ongoing program for Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting of milfoil in Lake Garfield.  Mike Germain gave a brief synapsis of the activity.
  7. Fire Department shift program: Steve explained that the keeping appropriate staffed programs is for everyone’s safety and that the shift program is part of that endeavor.  A member of the public had issues with the number of FF showing up at a call and Steve answered that it is better to have too many than not enough.
  8. Lake Garfield tax district: Jon Sylbert and Mike Germain gave a brief history of the efforts to create a tax district.
  9. Road mapping software update: Steve provided the public with an update on the software and Monterey’s efforts to be proactive concerning road management.
  10. Comments & questions from the public:
    1. A question was raised about the general issues going on in town hall; they were assured that town business was being taken care of and that we are all living under stressful times.


A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 12:15pm


Submitted by:

Melissa Noe, Town Administrator

Approved by:

Monterey Select Board


cc: Website (

Select Board Members

Minutes Book

Town Clerk


Any documents used in the meeting are listed below and are available by request at town hall.

  1. none