Select Board Meeting Minutes 8/22/23

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Minutes of the Select Board meeting 8/22/23

Meeting Date: Tuesday August 22, 2023

Meeting Opened at 6:00 pm

Select Board members present: Justin Makuc, chair; Susan Cooper, Frank AbbottAlso Present: Laurie McArthur (Select Board Secretary), Ilene Marcus, Mickey Jervas, Kevin Wall, Lou Oggiani, John Halbreich, James Santos

Also present remotely: Joe Krejci, Jeff Zimmerman and Lauren Behrman, Mary Makuc, Michele Miller, Carol and Gerry Clarin, Tom and Laura Mensi, Melissa Noe

Call to Order 6:00pm


  1. Southern Berkshire Ambulance to discuss agreement for ambulance services (6:00pm)

Justin was hopeful that the Southern Berkshire Ambulance Contract could be finalized during this meeting.  Justin suggested returning the payment schedule to 30 days from the invoice date, and Susan and Frank agreed. 

Justin also discussed section 8 of the contract.  He spoke with Kevin regarding changing locations.  The Ambulance Committee discussed possible moves, but reported that they would remain located in Gt. Barrington.  The Select Board unanimously agreed upon the wording. 

The Select Board discussed language modifications to the draft document regarding response time and deliberated said changes with the Southern Berkshire Ambulance Committee.  The Select Board inquired about the time between dispatch and leaving the station.  Kevin reported that the average time for leaving the station was five minutes, and the response time to Monterey was in the teens minute wise.  Justin inquired about availability to respond to calls and inquired about obtaining a percentage.  The Berkshire Ambulance Committee said that they could not commit to an exact percentage due to the possibility of there being a breach in the contract.  Southern Berkshire Ambulance said that they try to have two ambulances on at all times, and if they are unable to respond, then they will notify dispatch to send an ambulance from another town.  Justin said that he believed that there needed to be something in the contract pertaining to availability for responding to calls. 

Susan discussed concerns received from the Fire Chief regarding the non-availability of the ambulance since Southern Berkshire was unable to respond to approximately 10 percent of calls.  Justin said that the Town would like some guarantee, and presented the idea of responding to 85 percent of calls in 5 minutes.  Kevin agreed that this could be possible, and suggested adding in a clause that this would be reviewed quarterly.  Susan and Frank agreed to the idea of responding to 85 percent of calls in 5 minutes. 

Justin will create a clean copy based on the changes and agreements discussed at this meeting, and will send it to the Southern Berkshire Ambulance Squad for signature and the Select Board will vote on and sign the contract next week. 

  1. Fire Company lease renewal: Justin recused himself.  Frank reported he spoke with the lawyer and the lawyer, Chris, communicated with his contact at the state and said that we   got approval from the state and if we incorporate a higher rate into the lease then the firehouse  can complete the work and do not have to use prevailing wages for improvements on the fire house. However, it will have to be a 5 year lease.  Frank provided Susan with a copy of the letter that had been approved by the lawyer.  The letter will go to Shawn and outlines the town’s position about moving forward with a lease.


It was asked about how we would allocate future funds to the firehouse. Frank said that he will put the question to Donna and Chris about that. .


Susan clarified that they would have to draft a lease that included the funds and said that they would then have to figure out how to deal with the historical funds.Frank said since the town has voted to provide $90k for improvements to the fire house over the last several years; the town will have to vote to repurpose those dollars that were allocated through a warrant and allow those dollars for the town to pay a higher lease rate.

Frank said that in the lease agreement it would have to be stipulated on how those funds would be spent.  Susan clarified that the capital projects will be spelled out in the lease and there would be a five year term.  Ilene inquired who the insurance would be covered through. 

Frank said that the paragraph on the insurance remained the same as in the previous contract.  Frank inquired about insurance certification and the deductible.  Ilene discussed the possibility of using the Fire Company in the event of an emergency in the Town, and Susan discussed how this was an important consideration should the Fire Company need to be utilized as a shelter.

  1. Draft capital plan policy

Susan emailed the Select Board, Ilene, and Michele a current draft of the Capital Plan Policy.  Justin read through the changes, and Susan discussed redundancies she removed and language modifications she made.  The Finance Committee will review the document during their meeting tomorrow.  Michele said that she felt strongly that the Capital policy should be implemented already.  Michele discussed taking care of the Town Hall and daily activities.  She recommended the Town take over the Fire house and make it the Emergency Center for Fire and Police.  The Board will finalize the policy next week based on the Finance Committee’s consideration and approval.

  1. Draft Computer and Equipment Acceptable Use Policy

Frank said that he would like to give the Select Board a clean copy of the document.Susan clarified that this was for acceptable use of Town Computers.Frank provided an update about discussions with Melissa and the current IT person, Tom.Ilene suggested speaking with Roger MacDonald since he has experience with municipal IT. The Board will review the policy and revisit it at a future meeting.

  1. Conservation Commission appointment: Mark Little

Susan made a motion to appoint Mark Little to the Conservation commission for a term of six months.  Frank seconded.  Call a vote: Frank-yes, Susan-yes, Justin-yes. 

  1. Town Administrator position

This will be tabled until next week.

  1. ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) coordinator position

Justin reported that Melissa updated the Select Board about a grant and the need for an ADA coordinator.  Justin said he spoke with Don Torrico, who said it would be better if the ADA coordinator was not the building commissioner so there would be a second set of eyes.  An ADA coordinator who is not the building commissioner could challenge the decisions of the building commissioner and would be able to make an independent complaint.

Justin said that he is aware of a citizen who may be a possible candidate for the position.  Justin said that Don would be willing to fill in as the ADA coordinator in the meantime, if it was necessary for the Town to secure grant funding.  Justin will reach out to the citizen to see if they are interested.  Justin said that this was an unfunded position. 

Mary Makuc said that the ADA coordinator also looks at parking, parks, the playground, the library, and other components.  Justin will reach out to the citizen to see if they are interested in completing the training. 

  1. Discuss updates on dark skies

Frank said that they need to speak with National Grid.Susan said that she questioned how many of the current street lights are needed.She said that in the past 20 years there is an increased amount of lighting and discussed the problems with the blue spectrum lighting.Susan suggested assessing with the Police and Jim if there were any street lights they could decommission.Justin asked if there was a list of the street lights, and Frank identified that there were numerous lights lit by National Grid.Susan said there is an agreement with National Grid to replace existing bulbs with National Grid.The Select Board discussed the ranking of the lighting.Justin identified public safety was the top reason for lighting.

Susan discussed the costs of lighting and which lights were safer for drivers and individuals being exposed to light pollution.Susan will take this task on.Justin clarified that at the moment street lights will be discussed, whether the agreement with National Grid can be modified, and the pros and cons of the lighting.Justin reported that 74.6 percent of the responses in the Master Plan survey were in favor of making Monterey a dark sky community.Justin will contact the Planning Board to discuss this.

  1. Discuss possible Special Town Meeting items:
    1. Regional School District proposal

Justin said that according to the School District Planning Board they would like to have all towns have their meeting on October 23rd.  Justin said they have the authority to require towns to hold a meeting, but the Town has 30 days to call a Town Meeting with a 14 day notice.  Justin said that they should have anything on that warrant prepared in advance.  Susan said that if they are going to have a solid discussion about the regional school district they need to be thoughtful about what they might add to that warrant.  Justin said that they did offer an individual Select Board meeting, and Frank suggested the Select Board take that offer.

  1. Bylaw Review Committee proposal

Justin asked if the Select Board could add things that may need to be done to a special town meeting warrant.He said that they need to stress that they are not changing the substance of the bylaws, but rather clarifying the bylaws, and recommend that suggestions be made at a future meeting.Susan asked if this would be the appropriate time to separate out the Town acceptances of Mass General Law, and Justin said it might be. Justin said that if the bylaw committee is ready and prepared with their changes then they could consider adding this to the upcoming Special Town Meeting.


  1. Frank suggested putting the conversion of the previously approved Fire Company capital funds toward the new lease onto the warrant. 
  2. Lease capped landfill to solar third party

Justin said he would send this to Donna, and will send what Beacon and Peter have drafted. 

  1. Compensation for Conservation Commissioners

Justin said that they should consider this if they would like to add it to the Special Town Meeting Warrant.Susan said she would like to know how many hours they are working.Frank suggested looking at what others Towns may pay.Susan said that according to the Mass Association Conservation Committee they are considered volunteers.Justin suggested asking Noel and the two members of the ConCom what a reasonable wage may be.Susan said the response would depend on the number of hours they are actually working.Frank asked how many requests they are being asked to follow up on.Justin asked if they would be paying monthly, bi-monthly, annually, or would it be a monthly stipend.

  1. Unanticipated business

Susan discussed the Open Space Committee meeting.  Susan asked where the agenda could be posted and who may be able to assist with this.  Justin said that the legal posting place is the website, and the Select Board discussed posting the meeting and how this could be accomplished. 

Susan asked if they reached out to the Historical Commission.  Susan reached out to Rob Hoogs to see if he would be interested.  She said that Seth is able to complete the bulk of the work, and said that she did not want to exclude anyone from participating. 

Justin said that they should meet with the School Board Committee sooner rather than later if they are expected to have a Special Town meeting in October. 

  1. Comments & questions from the public

No comments or questions from the public.

  1. Approve minutes of 8/15/23

The Select Board reviewed the minutes from the meeting of 8/15/23.  Justin made a motion to approve the minutes as amended.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote: Susan-yes, Justin-yes, Frank-yes. 

The Select Board will attend the School Committee meeting on August 28th at 6pm. 

Frank made a motion to adjourn the Select Board meeting.Justin seconded.Call a vote: Susan-yes, Justin-yes, Frank-yes.The Select Board meeting adjourned at 7:52pm.

Documents used at the meeting:

  1. Southern Berkshire Ambulance Draft Contract
  2. Draft of the Capital Plan Policy
  3. Draft Computer and Equipment Acceptable Use Policy