Select Board Meeting Minutes 8/8/23

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Minutes of the Select Board meeting 8/8/23

Meeting Date: Wednesday August 8, 2023

Meeting Opened at 6:00 pm

Select Board members present: Justin Makuc, chair; Susan Cooper, Frank Abbott

Also Present: Melissa Noe (Town Administrator), Mickey Jervas

Also Present Remotely: Scott Steibel

Call to Order 6:00pm

  1. Draft contract with Southern Berkshire Ambulance, if revisions are received

The Select Board continued to discuss the draft contract with Southern Berkshire Ambulance and reviewed modifications to the document.    Justin modified the contract to state that the Town would request monthly payments, and Susan clarified that they would require an invoice.  The Select Board discussed the wording for payment and how to phrase the time frame for payment, termination of contract due to non-payment, and a method of payment dispute resolution. The Select Board reviewed staffing and timing as outlined in the contract. 

  1. Discuss IT service proposals

Melissa reported that the current IT support specialist is working on the equipment.  Melissa reached out regarding the risk management grant, which is for up to $10,000, and could help pay for some of the eligible items.  Melissa suggested sticking with Tom for now and have him make equipment recommendations so she can put in for the grant.  Justin asked if the equipment would be compatible over the next few years should changes be made, and Frank said that the main concern would be the network as opposed to the equipment.  Frank offered to put a list of questions together and recommended placing the latest security onto the devices. 

  1. Draft capital planning policy

The Select Board discussed modifications the Finance Committee made to the Draft capital planning policy.  Susan reordered the questions and added them as an appendix as opposed to having them in the body of the document.  Justin agreed to work on including the Finance Committee focus questions into the existing document framework.  Justin said he was under the impression that they were going to create a form to utilize.  Frank discussed the use of a simplified form for departments to complete.  Justin said that if a standardized form is going to be used then it should be separate from the document; however, if they are not going to use a form then they should just stick with the document.  The Select Board recommended having all the necessary information related to capital purchase requests submitted by department heads by January 1.  Justin will edit the policy and bring it back to the Board next week.

  1. Discuss resolution of payroll issues

Justin discussed the split payroll issue and provided a summary of the issue presented at the previous meeting where the hours worked by an individual were not evenly distributed amongst the paychecks in said split payroll.  Justin said that the payroll will have to be input manually during the split payroll occurring once a year. 

Justin reported that Melissa and the Treasurer drafted a policy for this purpose.  Frank inquired about salaried individuals and hours worked.  The Select Board discussed hour requirements and flexibility for salaried individuals.  Susan discussed concerns with salaried individuals who may be required to complete more tasks than one person could realistically do, and how this would work into a salary.  Justin suggested asking Sophia about legalities associated with salary pay.  Justin suggested that salaried employees not be required to input their hours; however, if their supervisors require the employee to track their hours then they are welcome to do so using the system.  The Select Board will come back to this at a future date. 

  1. Fire Company lease renewal

Justin recused himself and explained the reasoning for him recusing himself.  This item was tabled until a future meeting pending further changes to contract.

  1. Open Space and Recreation Plan Committee

Melissa provided a list of six individuals who were recommended for the committee.  Justin recommended adding this to the agenda for next week, and asked if they would like to solicit additional members for the committee.  Justin suggested appointing both nominees from the Parks Commission due to their crucial role in this plan. 

  1. Discuss criteria for Conservation Commission appointments and compensation for Commissioners.

Justin reported that Noel asked the Select Board if it would be acceptable to appoint non-residents to the ConCom.  Susan clarified that this was due to having a difficult time obtaining members and due to the amount of training required to serve on the ConCom.  Justin discussed concerns regarding the ConCom and how there are currently only three members.  He suggested that the Select Board consider a stipend for Commissioners to help defray the significant time commitment of being on the Commission.  Susan inquired about making explicit expectations.  Justin said that individuals might get paid for showing up to the meeting, and Melissa mentioned that Commissioners are already eligible for mileage reimbursement.  Susan asked if there were other avenues to try prior to extending this out to non-residents.  Justin said paying Commissioners would have to be voted upon at Town Meeting.  Justin said that he will inform Noel that at this time they would like to refrain from appointing non-residents to the ConCom and would like to attempt some other strategies. 

  1. Special permit application for Dancing Green Farms

Justin motioned to approve the special permit application for Dancing Green Farms pending insurance.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote:  Susan-yes, Frank-yes, Justin-yes. 

  1. Town Administrator items:
    1. Request received to survey native plants on Community Center/Bally Gally property

The Select Board reviewed a map of the native plant areas and Justin informed Melissa that she could let Kim know that they were all set to move forward. 

  1. Curtis Road Bridge letter

Melissa reported that the State has formally asked if we are committed to funding any necessary traffic diversion for the project.  They are expected to start construction during FY25. 

  1. Unanticipated business

Justin provided an update regarding the eight-town regional school district planning board requesting a meeting.  Justin reported that Jake reached out to him and said that August 28th is a candidate for a joint Select Board meeting.  Melissa said that they offer zoom, and Justin said it may be offered at one of the schools as well.  Justin will let them know that August 28th will work for the Select Board. 

Justin reported that the library sent the Select Board some documents concerning its green community designation.  The theme is leadership, energy, and environmental design.  Mickey reported that the building was a green building and they have been working for three years to be able to obtain the funding.  Melissa reported that she and Justin will need to sign the document, and Mickey clarified that Mark will also sign. 

Justin motioned to authorize himself to sign the contract form for the green building of the library.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote:  Susan-yes, Frank-yes, Justin-yes. 

Justin reported that Hume’s attorneys reached out to Donna as they consider whether to resubmit the original site plan or a modified new site plan.  Justin, Tom, and Donna had a phone conference regarding site plan for the RV park and the possibility of Hume offering the Town PILOT (Payment In Lieu of Taxes).  Justin said that Hume was reaching out as a kind gesture to see if there is anything that they can do to smooth over relations with the Town.  Justin said one idea would be to ask Hume to commit to an annual PILOT, or paying for a specific project whether it be a road improvement on Chestnut Hill and Cronk Road or another project.  Frank asked about the plan for brining RVs into the site.  Justin said that Hume will work with the Planning Board due to the sensitivity of the issue.  Susan said that she was concerned about the long-term maintenance of the road.  Justin asked the Select Board if they would like to consider asking Jim about a project where they can go 50-50 or ask for a one-time donation.  Justin suggested asking Jim about his opinion of what may be a good improvement to the road. 

Susan asked if the REWG had spoken with the Planning Board regarding the solar array.  Justin clarified that Peter would be speaking with the Planning Board. 

  1. Comments & questions from the public

There were no comments or questions from the public.

  1. Approve minutes of 7/18/23 and 7/25/23

The Select Board reviewed the amended minutes from 7/18/23.  Justin made a motion to approve the minutes from 7/18/23 as amended.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote: Susan-yes, Justin-yes, Frank-yes. 

The Select Board reviewed the amended minutes from 7/25/23.  Justin made a motion to approve the minutes from 7/25/23 as amended.  Seconded.  Call a vote: Susan-yes, Justin-yes, Frank-yes. 

Justin made a motion to adjourn the Select Board meeting.Susan seconded.Call a vote: Susan-yes, Justin-yes, Frank-yes.Meeting adjourned at 7:59pm.

Documents used at the meeting

  1. Draft contract for Southern Berkshire Ambulance
  2. Draft capital planning policy
  3. Special permit application for Dancing Green Farms
  4. Curtis Road bridge letter
  5. Library green community form