Select Board Meeting Minutes 2/15/23

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Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Meeting of the Select Board

Minutes of the meeting 2/15/23

Meeting Date: Wednesday February 15, 2023

Meeting Opened at 6:00pm

Select Board members present: Justin Makuc, Chair, Susan Cooper, Scott Jenssen

Also Present: Melissa Noe (Town Administrator), Laurie McArthur (SB secretary), Mary Makuc, Mickey Jervis, Wendy Germain, Dennis Lynch

Also present remotely: Laurie Shaw, Kyle Haver,

Call to Order 6:00pm

Old Business                                                       

  1. Discuss Community Center pavilion procurement

Justin summarized whether an RFP or RFI would be the best way to proceed.  Susan said that if it proves to be the case that a bathroom would be required, it may be difficult to obtain a variance.  Justin said that he believes the community center may have obtained a variance in the past; however, he recommended researching the variance process prior to deciding.  Susan discussed zoning regulations.  Mary said that Don Torrico, Building Commissioner, would like to gather additional information about the pavilion, and said he believed they had a good case and would possibly have to go to Boston to obtain said variance.  Wendy talked about the water flow in the Community Center and what the regulations and requirements were at that time.  Justin recommended looking into the variance option.  Scott said they should obtain the affirmation from the Building Commissioner to determine whether the bathroom is necessary.  Justin suggested the Community Center committee go to Don to determine if a bathroom is necessary, and move forward from there. 

  1. Bidwell Park bank stabilization; use of funds from Special Town Meeting

Justin reported that they had received funds from the Special Town Meeting to clean up storm damage at Bidwell Park.Justin presented the idea of stabilizing the banks with native plants at Bidwell Park after the tree work is completed.Justin moved to approve the use of funds from the Special Town meeting that were intended to clean up storm damage at Bidwell Park to install native plants after the tree work has been completed as a continuing part of the cleanup.

Susan seconded.Call a vote: Susan- yes, Scott- yes, Justin- yes.

New Business

  1. Discuss Curtis Road bridge detour over Gould Road as estimates are available

Justin said that we need to give Jim Hunt, Director or Operations, some guidance as to whether we want Lovers Lane to be paved or to obtain a stop light.  Susan asked about purchasing a light, and Melissa reported that Jim was opposed to purchasing a light due to upkeep.  The light will cost approximately $60,000 for 12 months.  Susan discussed reasoning for planning to have the stop light for at least one year due to unknown project start or completion date and the distinct possibility that the work would stretch into a second building season.  Melissa noted that they still need to obtain some easements and the project may not start until the fall.   The Select Board discussed the options of: 1) widening the road to accommodate two way traffic, 2) leaving the road its current width and using a light for one-way traffic, and 3) choosing a road surfacing option including its current dirt composition, chip seal, paving or other possibilities to cope with significantly increased car and truck traffic.  Melissa will ask Jim to come to the next Select Board meeting to further discuss this.  This will have to be added to the budget. 

  1. Sign solar photovoltaic consulting agreement with Beacon Integrated Solutions

Justin sent this agreement to Town Council, and Donna is working with Beacon to strengthen the contract.So this item is on hold for the time being.

  1. Discuss process for Select Board Secretary annual performance evaluation

Justin suggested completing the employee evaluation for the Select Board secretary and then send the evaluations to the HR Director, who will then meet with the Select Board Secretary. 

  1. Discuss draft revised Employee Handbook; process for review and approval

Justin asked how the Select Board would like to proceed with the Employee Handbook, stating that he believes it is still in need of review.He looked at the draft and reported that he found several inconsistencies between departments and within the reading of the manual.Justin offered three suggestions, with the first being to ask Sophia to re-review the Handbook, second, to hire an HR professional to complete the project, or third to form and ADHOC committee to review and complete the document.Susan inquired about information mentioned in multiple sections throughout the document.Justin explained various areas where he noticed duplicate areas or inconsistencies within the document.Susan said that she would like to take another look at the document to assess the size of the project.The Select Board will come back to this item next week.

Susan met with Sophia regarding part-time employee sick leave.Susan said she does not believe it costs the town additional budget money in the event an employee was sick as they are merely being paid for hours they would have worked with money that is already in the budget.There would only be an associated cost in the event a substitute was needed.Susan said that the town may see a potential decrease in turn backs at the end of the fiscal year.Susan offered to work with Sophia on drafting language for a part time employee sick leave policy for discussion next week.

  1. Discuss noise bylaw for Annual Town Meeting warrant

Justin reminded the Select Board of when Camp Kimama Half Moon came in and discussed neighborhood complaints about noise at the camp.  Justin reported that the Police could issue a ticket for a noise complaint.  Melissa shared the noise bylaw from the town of Paxton with Justin, and he inquired about proposing a noise bylaw for the Town.  Susan commented on how speakers and amplifiers were exempt from the Paxton bylaw, which was a current problem.  Melissa said that if noise is occurring prior to 7am or after 10pm then it would be considered disturbing the peace.  The Select Board discussed the violations in order of least to maximum enforcement of the violations.  Justin offered to work on the bylaw document and tailor it to the Town of Monterey.  Kyle Haver said that he supports looking into a sound ordinance particularly into the summer time, and normal business hours into the fall.   

  1. Town Administrator items:
    1. Sign FY24 Dispatch Contract

Justin reported that the FY24 Dispatch Contract for the Berkshire County Sheriff’s department was for $11,857.38.  Scott made a motion to accept it as written.  Justin seconded.  Call a vote: Susan- yes, Scott- yes, Justin- yes.

  1. Amended letter to 319 grant

Melissa provided the Select Board with the amended letter to the 319 grant.  Justin reported that he had some concerns about the money not adding up.  Melissa reported that some typos were discovered, and some information needed to be changed, and she forwarded the letter to BRPC.  Justin read the response from BRPC to the Select Board.  Justin moved to approve the amended letter to the 319 grant.  Scott seconded.  Call a vote: Susan- yes, Scott- yes, Justin- yes.

Correspondence, minutes, public comment

  1. Review mail & correspondence
    1. Kenn Basler 2/9/23 email re: Town Clerk hours

Justin discussed an email from Kenn regarding the Town Clerk hours.  Kenn recommended offering Saturday office hours, Friday afternoon hours, or Tuesday hours for the Town Clerk.  Susan said that she would like to survey the town to know if Saturday office hours would be utilized.  Melissa suggested asking individuals what days/ times would work best for them in the Town Clerk position. 

  1. Approve minutes of 2/8/23

The Select Board reviewed the minutes of the meeting from 2/8/23. 

Justin made a motion to approve the minutes as amended.  Susan seconded

Call a vote: Susan- yes, Scott- yes, Justin- yes.

  1. Unanticipated business

Susan said she would like to consider a short-term rental tax and requested adding this to a future agenda.She also identified that there are some private ways where individuals are not getting together to maintain the roads.She suggested consulting Town Counsel with options for dealing with this issue.Justin offered to contact Counsel.

Melissa had the quarterly report for the 319 grant that Courtney requested the Select Board sign.  Justin moved to approve the quarterly match certification form.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote: Susan- yes, Scott- yes, Justin- yes.

Melissa asked the Select Board if they would like to keep their hours at six for the shared HR position or if they would like to add additional hours to her position since Sheffield is cutting back a few hours.  The Select Board and Town Administrator agreed upon offering two 4-hour days to Sophia to provide her with enough time to complete additional tasks.    

  1. Comments & questions from the public

Micky discussed her role as working for the Library Trustees and other goals that she has for the library. 

Justin moved to adjourn the Select Board meeting.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote: Susan- yes, Scott- yes, Justin- yes.  Meeting adjourned at 7:44pm

Documents used at the meeting

  1. FY24 Dispatch Contract
  2. Letter to 319 grant
  3. Quarterly report for the 319 grant