Select Board Meeting Minutes 3/6/24

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Select Board minutes of the meeting of 3/6/24


Meeting Opened at: 5:31pm

Select Board Members Present:

  • Justin Makuc, Chair
  • Susan Cooper
  • Frank Abbott


Also present:

  • Melissa Noe (Town Administrator)
  • Jeff Zimmerman (Finance Committee)
  • Roger MacDonald (Finance Committee)


Also present remotely: Laura Mensi, Kenn Basler, Ilene Marcus, Mickey Jervas


Items discussed:

  1. Call to order 5:30pm
  2. The Board reviewed a draft letter to the Southern Berkshire Ambulance (SBA) towns, as well as the financials received from SBA. The Board is going to ask for clarification on the “bad debt” line items as well as the local contributions. Susan recapped her conversation with a Finance Committee member from Alford as they are also unhappy with the chosen EQV assessment method. The Board feels that Gt. Barrington needs to pay more as they make up 75% of the calls but only pay 43% of the assessment. The letter was signed and will be sent tomorrow.
  3. The Board reviewed the Transfer Station committee recommendations for FY25 pricing. Susan also reported that the transfer station committee will be meeting with a company that is promising to lower our cost significantly if we transition to a pay as you throw system, although Susan felt their reduction claims may not be tailored to our situation. A motion was made to accept the new pricing effective July 1, 2024.  The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
  4. Monterey Fire Company lease agreement: Justin recused himself from the conversation due to a potential conflict. Frank provided a written summary of the progress to date and stated that Kevin West and the Fire Company will have a firm number within the next 24 hours. Susan expressed concerns that the process to date feels “squishy” and would prefer to have these communications in writing, particularly any questions and answers from Counsel. Frank will resend the communication from counsel stating that the Fire Company would not have to pay prevailing wages.
  5. Speeding motor vehicles on Cronk Road: The Board thanked Chief Fahey for his email regarding the complaint and what the department has done and will continue to do. The Town Administrator sent a copy of the Hume RV proposal which was submitted to the Planning Board today. Frank suggested that there should be a public forum for residents to ask questions about the proposal. It was noted that when the Planning Board reviews the site plan the meetings will be public. The Board agreed to request that Hume make a presentation at a Select Board meeting to answer questions. Justin will reach out to the Director at Hume to begin discussion regarding the payment in lieu of taxes option.
  6. Annual Town Meeting warrant articles
    1. Draft copy of the Lake Garfield Tax District proposed article: The Board agreed to place it on the warrant after review by counsel.
    2. Recall Special Act: The original approved act was hung up procedurally when it went to the State House and now it requires reapproval.  The Board agreed to place this back on the warrant.  The Town Administrator will make the corrections requested by the Board.
  7. Town Administrator Items
    1. A motion was made to accept and sign the FY25 health insurance renewal proposal which will be a 2.52% increase for FY25.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
    2. Melissa informed the Board that the Police Department has received a $1,000 donation. A motion was made to accept the generous donation.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  8. 6:30pm: Joint meeting with the Finance Committee to discuss FY25 budget:
    1. Debt service: The Board reviewed the plan to pay the minimum payments from the operating budget and the additional payments from free cash. Mickey Jervas does not agree with the Select Board’s plan and would like to see the full $100k in the operating budget and not split between taxed monies and free cash. The Board also reviewed the explanation from the Bank regarding the large principal requirement on the tandem axle which they found to be inconsistent and created more questions. A motion was made to make the useful life of the tandem axle 10 years.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. The TA will inform the Treasurer and get the amended minimum due amount. The Board calculates that with this change the principal for FY25 on the tandem axle truck should be $25k. The Board also agreed to pay $7,766.65 in extra principal with free cash.
    2. Justin suggested paying for the $190k truck with $160k from stabilization and $30k from free cash.  Everyone agreed.
    3. Audit: The auditor has informed us that the FY25 audit number will be $18,500. The amount for FY25 will be $1,000 which is the difference between the $17,500 we will transfer from FY24 to FY25.
    4. Conservation Commission stipends: Justin proposed giving a stipend of $500 for each member. Roger is concerned that the Boards have been nickel and diming all the departments for the proposed FY25 and to add another $3,500 seems like poor timing.  Melissa reported that she spoke with former Con Comm member Chris Blair and he has agreed that one solution would be to amend the bylaw from 7 members to 5 which lowers the quorum and to consider appointing parties that may not live in Monterey to serve if they have a demonstrated commitment to the protection of wetlands.
    5. Roger reported that he has been speaking with another IT vendor and it is possible that this number can be lowered to $27,500 from the current $40k, we will have more information next week.
    6. Ilene inquired about reinspection fees for the Fire Inspector. The Town Administrator reported that the Building Inspector did look into this and fire reinspections are not afforded the same structure to assess another fee as is the case with the plumbing, gas, electrical and building inspections.
    7. Fire Department compensation proposal: Further information is needed on the current proposal once it has been agreed upon by all the parties involved.
    8. The next joint budget meeting will be next Tuesday at 6pm.
    9. Revenue: Ilene had questions on the revenue tabs which the Town Administrator will follow up with the Accountant about.
    10. The Finance Committee adjourned at 7:58pm.
  9. A motion was made to approve the minutes of 2/20/24 as amended.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  10. Unanticipated business: none
  11. Comments & questions from the public: none

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 8:00pm


Approved by:

Monterey Select Board


cc: Website (

Select Board Members

Minutes Book

Town Clerk


Any documents used in the meeting are listed below and are available by request at town hall.

  1. Draft letter to SBA town Select Boards
  2. Transfer station committee recommendations
  3. Fire Company summary prepared by Frank
  4. Karen Allen complaint and Police Chief response
  5. Draft Lake Garfield Tax District article
  6. Draft Recall Special Act article
  7. Health insurance renewal
  8. Draft budget